• pedantic

pəˈdantik adjective adjective: pedantic of or like a pedant. "many of the essays are long, dense, and too pedantic to hold great appeal" synonyms: overscrupulous, scrupulous, precise, exact, perfectionist, punctilious, meticulous, fussy, fastidious, finicky

  • hu·bris

ˈ(h)yo͞obrəs/ noun excessive pride or self-confidence. synonyms: arrogance, conceit, haughtiness, hauteur, pride, self-importance, egotism, pomposity, superciliousness, superiority; More antonyms: humility (in Greek tragedy) excessive pride toward or defiance of the gods, leading to nemesis.

  • rote

rōt/ noun mechanical or habitual repetition of something to be learned. "a poem learned by rote in childhood" synonyms: mechanically, automatically, unthinkingly, mindlessly

  • sin·gu·lar·i·ty

ˌsiNGɡyəˈlerədē/ noun the state, fact, quality, or condition of being singular. "he believed in the singularity of all cultures" synonyms: uniqueness, distinctiveness "the singularity of their concerns" a peculiarity or odd trait. plural noun: singularities synonyms: idiosyncrasy, quirk, foible, peculiarity, oddity, eccentricity "his singularities" PHYSICS MATHEMATICS a point at which a function takes an infinite value, especially in space-time when matter is infinitely dense, as at the center of a black hole.

  • cir·cu·i·tous

sərˈkyo͞oədəs/ adjective (of a route or journey) longer than the most direct way. "the canal followed a circuitous route" synonyms: roundabout, indirect, winding, meandering, serpentine, tortuous

  • tau·tol·o·gy

tôˈtäləjē/ noun the saying of the same thing twice in different words, generally considered to be a fault of style (e.g., they arrived one after the other in succession ). synonyms: pleonasm, repetition, reiteration, redundancy, superfluity, duplication "avoid such tautology as "let's all work together, everyone, as a team" by saying simply "let's work together"" a phrase or expression in which the same thing is said twice in different words. plural noun: tautologies LOGIC a statement that is true by necessity or by virtue of its logical form.

  • req·ui·em

ˈrekwēəm/ noun (especially in the Roman Catholic Church) a Mass for the repose of the souls of the dead. a musical composition setting parts of a requiem Mass, or of a similar character. an act or token of remembrance. "he designed the epic as a requiem for his wife"

  • pos·ter·i·ty

päˈsterədē/ noun all future generations of people. "the victims' names are recorded for posterity" synonyms: future generations, the future "the names of those who died are recorded for posterity" archaic the descendants of a person. "God offered Abraham a posterity like the stars of heaven" synonyms: future generations, the future "the names of those who died are recorded for posterity"

  • de·fen·es·tra·tion
  • dēˌfenəˈstrāSHən/ noun1
  • formalhumorous the action of throwing someone or something out of a window. "death by defenestration has a venerable history"2

informal the action of dismissing someone from a position of power or authority. "that victory resulted in Churchill's own defenestration by the war-weary British electorate"

  • ir·re·li·gious

ˌi(r)rəˈlijəs/ adjective indifferent or hostile to religion. "an irreligious world" synonyms: atheistic, unbelieving, nonbelieving, agnostic, heretical, faithless, godless, ungodly, impious, profane, infidel, barbarian, heathen, pagan;

  • pa·gan
  • ˈpāɡən/ noun1
  • a person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main world religions. synonyms: heathen, infidel, idolater, idolatress; archaicpaynim "pagans worshiped the sun" adjective1

relating to pagans. "a pagan god" synonyms: heathen, ungodly, irreligious, infidel, idolatrous "the pagan festival"

  • ob·so·lete
  • ˌäbsəˈlēt/ adjective1
  • no longer produced or used; out of date. "the disposal of old and obsolete machinery" synonyms: outdated, out of date, outmoded, old-fashioned, démodé, passé, out of fashion; More2
  • BIOLOGY (of a part or characteristic of an organism) less developed than formerly or in a related species; rudimentary; vestigial. verbUS1

cause (a product or idea) to be or become obsolete by replacing it with something new. "we're trying to stimulate the business by obsoleting last year's designs"

  • pal·in·drome

ˈpalinˌdrōm/ noun a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backward as forward, e.g., madam or nurses run.

  • ap·o·plec·tic

ˌapəˈplektik/ adjectiveinformal overcome with anger; extremely indignant. "Mark was apoplectic with rage at the decision" dated relating to or denoting apoplexy (stroke). "an apoplectic attack"

  • The Adriatic Sea
  • automaticity
  • un·stint·ing

ˌənˈstin(t)iNG/ adjective given or giving without restraint; unsparing. "he was unstinting in his praise" synonyms: ungrudging, unsparing, free, ready, benevolent, big-hearted, kind-hearted, kind, unselfish;

  • en·tro·py
  • ˈentrəpē/ noun1
  • PHYSICS a thermodynamic quantity representing the unavailability of a system's thermal energy for conversion into mechanical work, often interpreted as the degree of disorder or randomness in the system.2

lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder. "a marketplace where entropy reigns supreme" synonyms: deterioration, degeneration, crumbling, decline, degradation, decomposition, breaking down, collapse; More

  • pyr·rhic1

ˈpirik/ adjective (of a victory) won at too great a cost to have been worthwhile for the victor.

  • yugen
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