• é caracterizado pela instabilidade emocional, impulsividade, manifestações inadequadas de raiva, baixa autoestima, comportamento autodestrutivo, tendência ao suicídio, insegurança, hipersensibilidade às críticas, incapacidade em aceitar as regras e a rotina, expectativa de conseguir recompensas desproporcionais, intolerância à frustração e solidão, e medo de abandono – na maioria das vezes, irreal.
  • apesar de ter algumas características semelhantes ao transtorno afetivo bipolar do tipo dois, no transtorno Borderline, as oscilações de humor ocorrem com maior frequência, às vezes até em questão de minutos ou horas. Além disso, os traços depressivos do Borderline se caracterizam por sentimento de vazio e solidão; e raramente se manifestam juntamente com sentimento de culpa, autoacusação e/ou remorso.
  • Feel emotions more easily, more deeply, and for longer than others do. Emotions may repeatedly resurge and persist a long time. Consequently, it may take longer than normal for people with BPD to return to a stable emotional baseline following an intense emotional experience.
  • Impulsive behavior is common, including substance or alcohol abuse, eating disorders, unprotected sex or indiscriminate sex with multiple partners, reckless spending, and reckless driving. Impulsive behavior may also include leaving jobs or relationships, running away, and self-injury.
  • Very sensitive to the way others treat them, feeling intense joy and gratitude at perceived expressions of kindness, and intense sadness or anger at perceived criticism or hurtfulness. Their feelings about others often shift from positive to negative after a disappointment, a perceived threat of losing someone, or a perceived loss of esteem in the eyes of someone they value. This phenomenon, sometimes called splitting or black-and-white thinking, includes a shift from idealizing others (feeling admiration and love) to devaluing them (feeling anger or dislike). Combined with mood disturbances, idealization and devaluation can undermine relationships with family, friends, and co-workers. Self-image can also change rapidly from positive to negative.
  • Tend to have trouble seeing a clear picture of their identity. In particular, they tend to have difficulty knowing what they value, believe, prefer, and enjoy.
  • May tend to dissociate, which can be thought of as an intense form of "zoning out". Dissociation often occurs in response to experiencing a painful event (or experiencing something that triggers the memory of a painful event). It involves the mind automatically redirecting attention away from that event, presumably to protect against experiencing intense emotion and unwanted behavioral impulses that such emotion might otherwise trigger.
may 11 2015 ∞
feb 3 2018 +