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I’m a DFP — Dandelion Fennel Passionflower. Tough, quiet, idealistic.
You Are: Scrappy and tough, you’re a pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps kind of person. You don’t give up easily and you often thrive in situations that others would find discouraging. You have an instinct to serve others and see yourself as most useful in times or places of crisis, but you may over rely on your toughness and forget how sensitive you really are. Like you, dandelion holds steady, even in unfriendly environments. It provides gentle liver stimulation and digestive support, aiding your body’s natural detoxification processes. Called “the little postman” in Persian because of the belief that dandelion brought good news, dandelion has unfortunately acquired a reputation as a pesky weed. Its liver and digestive benefits have been known for centuries, with reference in Arabic texts dating to the 10th century. Dandelion is a bitter herb, a characteristic that contributes to its digestion-supporting properties.* When roasted, dandelion root has a coffee-like flavor that once made it a popular coffee substitute! The name dandelion comes from the French dent de lion, or “tooth of a lion.”
You Are: You’re quiet, sometimes shy, with a tendency to be reserved. You have a humble, kind nature and often find yourself taking care of others. You can be known to hold things in, and you don’t always speak up for yourself. This tendency to hold things in can lead to disturbances. Fennel is soothing and supportive, helping to ease digestive upset. For feelings of fullness and bloating, fennel is the friend to call on to help. Sweet and mildly bitter, with a distinct licorice-like taste, fennel was revered by the ancients for its charming properties. Attributed with the power to bestow long life, courage, strength and even to ward off evil spirits, we modern plant people highly regard fennel for its capacity to ease uncomfortable feelings of fullness, bloating or gassiness, or as an all-around promoter of healthy digestion.
You Are: Deeply concerned about others and the world around you, you have a developed sense of what’s right and just. You’re a bit of an idealist and strive to see your vision of perfection realized in the world. On occasion you get out of balance, and you may feel a deep sense of unease and be prone to worry—especially at night, tossing and turning over all that is wrong or that needs fixing. Known and loved for its power to calm restless minds and relieve occasional sleeplessness, passionflower may help restore a sense of peace and ease and “all is right with the world,” as well as helping you get the rest you need to feel good again. Anyone who has ever seen a passionflower can appreciate its wildly intense beauty. In fact, Spanish missionaries who encountered it saw religious significance in its anatomical structure. Native to the Americas, and used by Native Americans to promote rest and relaxation, passionflower has made its way into Western herbal traditions for its soothing and relaxing qualities.