- daily stretching for at least 30 minutes
- make a routine!
- make sure to meditate as well
- exercise daily!
- you made your workout plan sheet. honor it!
- stop procrastinating (or do it less)
- stick to a schedule
- use your planner!
- expand vocabulary
- learn new words daily maybe???
- try to study languages as much as possible
- improve reading/writing skills
- read and write more in other languages!
- practice korean handwriting
- read more international relations related books
- learn to love yourself
- gain confidence
- build self-esteem
- stop caring about what other people think
- stay healthy
- don't skip meals!
- eat more fruits and vegetables
- eat less junk food + carbs
- drink less milk (you know it makes you sick!)
- sleep better
- maintain a regular sleeping schedule
- sleep early (before midnight)
- wake up before 8 everyday
- learn to cherish or appreciate your life
- do not be afraid to reach out to people you trust for help when you need it.
- turn negative urges into positive alternatives
- save money
- refrain from impulse-buys (that includes those kpop albums in your wishlist. also expensive meals.)
- stop being so hard on yourself
- don't blame yourself for things that aren't your fault
- don't try to be perfect all the time, allow yourself to be just enough (esp. when writing college assignments)
- some things just happen and they are simply out of your control
- there is nothing wrong with you
- remember: no one is judging you as hard as you are judging yourself
- don't make youself sick. try to make these crisis stop.
jan 22 2016 ∞
jan 11 2017 +