- horses ♡
- whales ♡
- sea bunnies
- sea angels
- many other sea creatures
- wolves
- coyotes
- rabbits
- dogs
- cats
- opossums
- snakes
- lizards
- mantids
- tarantulas
- snails
- beetles
- moths
- hydrangeas
- orchids
- snapdragons
- patchouli ♡
- lavender
- vanilla
- cardamom
- vetiver
- rose
- citrus
food & drink
- bubble tea (esp taro, coconut)
- melon, banana & strawberry milk
- matcha & pumpkin spice lattes
- iced green tea
- aloe drinks
- sushi rolls
- dumplings
- breakfast foods
- pizza
- chicken
- burgers
- pastries (esp various types of cake)
subjects / topics of study
- history (esp edo & heian period japan, ancient greece & rome, various random topics like pirates, funeral practices and witch trials)
- astronomy
- mycology
- marine biology
- mythology & lore
- latin language
- creative writing, literature, english
- stuffed animals
- dolls
- keychains
- stationery
- lip balms & hand creams
- my green kindle paperwhite
- my txt lightstick
- tamagotchis & other digipets
- fidget cubes & other fidget toys
- gradient yarn
- crystals (esp labradorite, howlite, smoky quartz)
dec 27 2024 ∞
dec 27 2024 +