• planets only!
  • the planets represent energies and cosmic forces that can manifest in different ways. they are like the actors in a play. the signs describe the ways in which these planetary energies are used. they show the motivation and the roles the different actors play. as with everything in the material world, these energies can and usually do operate in two directions, the positive and negative.
  • sun in capricorn :
  • capricorn is an earth sign, thus they are very down-to-earth people. they are not neccessarily interested in out of this world dreams or crazy ideas. they prefer to stay in the real world and get to work. capricorns are basically the businesspeople of the zodiac, so they will see to it that their job is well done with the best quality that they can give.
  • capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac and these folks are all about hard work. people born under this sign are glad to work a full day in the office, knowing that it will take a lot of those days to achieve success. all of this is fine by them because capricorns are determined and ambitious - they know they will make it. they see life as a big project and adapt to it with a businesslike approach in all that they do. capricorns are also very practical, as they finish tasks one step at a time and stay realistic in their endeavors. these people are very dedicated to their goals, nearly to the point of stubbornness.
  • saturn rules capricorn. in ancient roman mythology, saturn was the father of multiple gods. kind of like the top of the food chain, this parallels in the capricorn sun sign. the goat wants to be at the top and they're intelligent enough to know they have to work for it. capricorns will gladly work hard to make it to the top and the discipline and responsibility they possess will get them there. capricorns are very competent; they have mature qualities and good common sense.
  • the goat is the symbol of capricorn, and it represents these people well. goats want to climb to the top of the mountain, just as how capricorns want to reach the top of their chosen field. they want fame, success, money, and prestige. making it to the top isn't always easy though, so it is likely that the goat will rub some people the wrong way during their route. capricorns can be domineering, maybe even a little bit egotistical, but to them it's all a part of being a leader with new ideas (as in line with the cardinal quality of this sign).
  • moon in cancer :
  • the moon rules the moods and emotions. the placement of the moon in your chart determines your inner self; it shapes your soul and what you need to feel emotionally secure. it controls what goes on below the surface of your personality. the moon sign may influence how strongly your sun sign is expressed, which is why people with the same zodiac sun sign may behave differently.
  • your moon sign is cancer. of all the moon signs, cancer is the most subjective position. the moon rules cancer, so it is "at home" here, the moon is the natural ruler of this sign.
  • cancer moons have deep, empathetic emotions. with the moon at home in the sign of cancer, people with this sign are very in touch with the emotions of both themselves and others. they feel emotionally fulfilled when they protect, support, and nurture the people around them, as well as when their family and home matters are secure. the strong empathy of a cancer moon makes them easily influenced by the feelings of others, however, so it is important for a cancer moon to discern their own feelings and needs from those of others.
  • being a water sign, cancer moons tend to be sensitive and driven by emotions. similar to the ocean’s waves, their feelings ebb and flow, making them a bit moody at times. like the crab, this sign may hide their emotions from others until they are comfortable enough to come out of their shell. this sign is also known to be very imaginative and creative, as these endeavors are a good emotional outlet for them. in relationships, a cancer moon needs someone who provides a balance between being strong and sensitive. cancer moons nurture their partners, but require the same in return.
  • capricorn rising/ascendant :
  • the rising sign, or ascendant, is the zodiac sign that was rising eastern of the horizon when a person was born. the ascendant is known as the mask one wears when meeting new people. it takes in both appearance and personality, which is why some may identify with their ascendant more than they do with their sun sign. the rising sign represents the first personality traits people exhibit naturally or in uncomfortable situations.
  • capricorn risings exude a seriousness that is undeniable. even when they are joking around, they're still serious; their humor can be very deadpan. in fact, many exceptionally funny individuals have capricorn ascendants. it's all in the planning… plus they don't laugh before the joke is finished.
  • capricorn ascendants give off an air of competence. they are typically very self-aware people – their manners, clothes, and image they give off are a major ordeal to them. they need to appear successful, and for the most part, they succeed!
  • frequently the ascendant persona is the one that was constrained upon us by family molding. for instance, parents may name their libra ascendant the "nice" one; their aries ascendant the "independent" one; and their pisces ascendant child the "creative" one. we are familiar with these labels, and regularly carry them with us as our defense mechanisms, somehow or another, for our entire lives. on account of capricorn ascendants, these were the kids who were viewed as the responsible ones. here and there, it was on their own accord that capricorn risings decided to be the organized, reliable, and dependable individuals in the family. in this way, frequently, capricorn risings embraced a solid feeling of custom, family, and duty at an extremely youthful age.
  • mercury in capricorn :
  • mercury rules expression and communication. it tells us how we process information, how we think, and how we learn. it governs the way you prefer to communicate and whether you prefer small or big groups of people.
  • your mercury sign is capricorn. capricorn mercury natives attempt to understand the world by putting all things into their own compartments. they can be slow and methodical, and enjoy the organization and structure in their lives. they are resourceful, but may get easily overwhelmed if they receive too much information at once. they must break information down into manageable bits before it is useful.
  • this sign is mentally active and very productive, preferring tasks that end with tangible results. they may be authoritative and don't enjoy surprises. capricorn mercury individuals do not like people that don't keep promises. they may seem strict and judgmental, short on patience with people that don't understand things that are obvious to them.
  • venus in sagittarius :
  • venus rules love and relationships. your venus sign determines how you give and feel love in both romances and friendships. it also influences what you find beautiful.
  • your venus sign is sagittarius. as sagittarius loves to learn new things, sagittarius venus people want to spend time with people that will help them learn and try new things. as an idealistic sign, they crave a person that will appreciate everything they do and believe in. being both serious and light-hearted, venus in sagittarius natives can be a bit confusing to others. they don’t commit too quickly since they like to be free.
  • sagittarius venus individuals constantly have a good time. they are flirtatious and friendly, always amusing to others. though they take pride in being open-minded, they may be judgmental at times. they dislike emotional scenes, monotonous routines, and inhibitions. this sign is restless and will be turned off by people who dwell on the same things all the time. if the relationship gets hard, this sign may leave the partnership quickly. though they may just need a break, they could leave forever. they love people who live life to its potential and they don’t care whether they are polished or well-mannered.
  • mars in virgo :
  • the mars sign represents your deep primal energy. it is the assertive, driving force behind your actions. it defines your instincts, aggression, and sexuality.
  • your mars sign is virgo. virgo mars is driven to achieve their goals. they are practical, sometimes scattered. this is because they do a lot of things at once. nevertheless, they usually get everything done. they may take on too much at a time. they are disciplined and logical.
  • mars in virgo natives can be stubborn and critical, but they are not aggressive. don’t push them too far, as they can be easily annoyed or nervous. they like things to go their way. this sign is quite organized and will work hard. they may be restless and have trouble sticking to one project at a time.
  • this sign may be successful in the medical field, as they enjoy helping others. they want to feel needed and useful. they aren’t very emotional and may be intolerant.
  • jupiter in capricorn :
  • jupiter is associated with fortune and good luck. it rules higher learning and how we absorb new ideas. if you learn how to work with your jupiter sign, you will easily find happiness and fortune. it will help you trust your fate.
  • your jupiter sign is capricorn. capricorn jupiter attracts luck when they are mature, ethical, and act with integrity. this sign is disciplined and organized, and following their step-by-step plan usually brings success. they are practical and must be able to visualize end results in order to achieve them
  • jupiter in capricorn individuals are optimistic about life. this is because they understand what works and what doesn’t. they can make lasting impressions and believe in hard work and being resourceful. they possess a lot of endurance, believe in tradition, and have high standards.
  • capricorn jupiter succeeds in planning, architecture, politics, medicine, the environment, and finances. they want to help society through their actions. this sign has strong ethics, so they are above reproach. their conservative demeanor helps them achieve success. in order to attract more luck, they must learn to find balance. if they get too invested in material gain or fear of failure, fortune may escape them.
  • saturn in aries :
  • saturn represents limitations, delays, fears, and responsibility. it determines the challenges we face in our lives that make us mature. it is associated with our careers, self-control, and leadership. saturn forces you to build character and shows where you will be tested.
  • your saturn sign is aries. saturn in aries may cause a delay in the development of the person’s ambition. individuals with this sign may also have to take on a lot of responsibility from a young age. asserting themselves may give them anxiety and they may have problems with anger, though others see them as cool and collected most of the time. aries saturn can make a sense of responsibility for themselves, but they may be unconfident. they don’t enjoy taking risks, which may make them seem weak. on the other end, some people with this sign may overcompensate by taking risks that are foolish.
  • aries saturn may miss opportunities due to their cautious nature. they learn how to choose their battles and take the necessary ones on with courage. this sign may feel like they aren’t going to get what they want in life, but they usually don’t ask. some are shy and some are bashful. their frustration with their inner problems may make them work to understand themselves.
  • uranus in aquarius :
  • uranus represents change. it is associated with technology, innovation, and discovery, guiding us to bring progressive change in all parts of our lives. uranus moves very slowly, so an entire generation can share the same uranus sign. this planet breaks tradition and brings us into future.
  • your uranus sign is aquarius. aquarius uranus has original ideas and a great intuition. they lean towards work that improves humanity. they are devoted in friendships and truly want to aid people in need. this unselfish disposition helps them achieve what they want. they also may have talent in mechanical skills.
  • uranus in aquarius natives might also be erratic. they may have issues with their choice of friends, who may take advantage of them.
  • aquarius uranus enjoys turning the world upside down. though the revolution may be loud or calm, they participate in the action either way. they are popular wherever they go, having a pleasant personality. their beliefs may learn more to the eccentric side. this sign may find success in technology, space, or anything scientific in nature.
  • neptune in capricorn :
  • neptune rules dreams, imagination, and visions. neptune moves slowly, so it is known as a generational planet, slowly guiding each generation in its destiny. its influence extends past what is known, serving as a bridge to dreams and imagination.
  • your neptune sign is capricorn. the capricorn zodiac sign is stubborn in nature, which is where capricorn neptune finds their ambition and ideas. for this sign, inspiration comes from reason, logic, and practical uses of different ideas to better society.
  • being a conservative personality, neptune in capricorn doesn’t usually get “struck” by creativity. moreover, they develop their thoughts slowly and thoroughly, as most things in their life are done. they prefer to work on things on their own terms and don’t like to brainstorm with others. they like to sit by themselves and think quietly.
  • pluto in sagittarius :
  • pluto reveals the part of our lives where we face the intense powers of creation and destruction. it represents endings and new beginnings, as well as rebirth, spiritual growth, and control issues. it opens the unconscious parts of spirit, self, and primal energy that are hidden within us. it is a generational planet, meaning generations of people share the same pluto sign.
  • your pluto sign is sagittarius. sagittarius pluto seeks to transform in a tolerant and free way with matters relating to philosophy, higher education, and their vision of the future and their ideals. there may be big changes in higher education when pluto is in sagittarius. there also might be a lot of long-distance travel to foreign places, maybe even space. this generation is concerned with foreign travel and life on other planets.
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