türkmenistan // Туркменистан // turkmaniston
- currency
- alphabet & language
- turkmen (official) 72%, russian 12%, uzbek 9%, other 7%
- population
- 5,636,011 (2022 est.)
- ranks 115th
- demonym
- ethnicity
- turkmen 85%, uzbek 5%, russian 4%, other 6% (2003 est.)
- climate
- land area; water surface area respectively
- 469,930 sq km
- 18,170 sq km
- ranks 55th
- largest cities
- ashgabat, türkmenabat, daşoguz with ashgabat being the capital
- urban residents
- 53.5%
- 2.23% rate of change
- population growth rate
- borders:
- 4158 km
- afghanistan 804 km; iran 1,148 km; kazakhstan 413 km; uzbekistan 1,793 km
- is located in:
- $92.33 billion (2019 est.)
- ranks 94th
- tallest peak
- lowest point
- vpadina akchanaya; -81 m (also; sarygamysh koli is a lake that's level has fluctuated to -110 m)
- most popular name for each gender
- my favourite names
apr 16 2022 ∞
apr 16 2022 +