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"Once the storm is over you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, in fact, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about."

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laoise names (feminine)
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  • aries
    • are assholes
    • very dramatic
    • party animals
    • entertaining to be around
    • don't care what you think about them
  • taurus
    • the most difficult to define
    • really weird/quirky
    • great sense of humour
    • can be surprisingly mean
    • you love them or hate them
    • very goal-oriented
    • sensual
    • hide their true feelings
  • gemini
    • you never know what they're really thinking
    • always gossiping
    • like to keep things light-hearted
    • are friends with other geminis
    • abstract sense of humour/witty
    • smarter than they seem
    • can turn on people easily
    • know everything
  • cancer
    • want to act like your mother
    • love to stay in
    • seem warm and nurturing
    • are actually kind of mean
  • leo
    • think they're the shit
    • act entitled
    • get along with just about anybody
    • love humble bragging
    • loving and caring
    • big hearts but big egos
  • virgo
    • good students
    • will do you favors without expecting anything in return
    • probably the most likable sign
    • very calm on the outside
    • full of anxiety on the inside
    • don't seem like it but are incredibly fun
    • get offended easily
    • take things seriously
    • prone to self-criticism
  • libra
    • always attract other people
    • can never make a connection with them
    • love to dress up and look good
    • often conservative (although they don't seem like it at first)
    • are hot even if they're not
  • scorpio
    • actually really loyal
    • much more emotional that they let on
    • locked off
    • animal instincts
  • sagittarius
    • don't let anyone walk over them
    • never shut up
    • up for anything
  • capricorn
    • hard-workers
    • funny in a dark way
  • aquarius
    • major god complex
    • fit in with every group
    • indescribable
    • don't get attached easily
    • are the coolest sign probably
  • pisces
    • dual nature
    • fascinated by art and aesthetics
    • wish their life was a film-poem
    • insecure
    • seek validation
    • dreamers
    • wish they were more assertive
aug 2 2015 ∞
nov 16 2020 +