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i am terrified by this dark thing that sleeps in me; all day i feel its soft, feathery turnings, its malignity.

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" Be sad, drown yourself in sadness and loneliness. Watch yourself die and wither like a flower inside. Break your soul into million pieces. When you’ve done that, writing will patch you whole again. It would be the glue to your wrecked and broken self. It would be the light to your darkness. The one who’ll save you from drowning. The only thing that would keep you going in your shattered life."

"He sat on empty pages with insignificant words sprawled across them narrating love and alcohol and losses and drugs and homes with no roofs.

All he cared about were his insignificant words being bound together for others’ amusement. His royalties went to his death, as he pounded the keys every night, he pounded his body; suicidal every night with store bought beverages and naturally grown trees.

Stuck in a dreamer’s world of his own life, speaking in past tense about a character whose only difference with himself was the name. All good writing is swimming under water and holding your breath."

" Real self-esteem comes from overcoming obstacles, not empty praise. "

dec 13 2018 ∞
dec 15 2018 +