- a little white house in a cozy neighborhood
- freshly squeezed orange juice
- picking berries in the backyard
- neighborhood potlucks
- sidewalk chalk rainbows
- stringing Christmas lights in november
- wall-to-wall bookshelves
- finger knitting scarves
- hollyhock dolls
- warm cobbler for breakfast
- woven lavender wands
- sleeping under the stars
- birkenstocks and socks
- trips to the farmer's market
- overalls and chunky sweaters
- paper garlands
- watching the first flakes of snow fall
- scuffed sneakers
- new england winters
- sleeping in together on snow days
- crisp white sheets
- homemade watermelon sorbet in the summer
- the smell of fresh peaches
- plane trips to far away places
- waking up to early to get fresh doughnuts from the bakery
jul 18 2023 ∞
jun 7 2024 +