• A Sucessora (1934) - Carolina Nabuco
  • Rebecca (1938) - Daphne du Maurier
  • Os contos (2018) - Lygia Facundes Telles
  • Suicidas (2012) - Raphael Montes
  • Dias Perfeitos (2014) - Raphael Montes
  • The Bell Jar (1963) - Sylvia Plath
may 19 2024 ∞
may 20 2024 +
  • take care of my mental health - especially anxiety
  • do more physical exercise
may 19 2024 ∞
may 19 2024 +
  • write a scientific article
  • read at least one scientific article per week
  • learn french and italian
may 19 2024 ∞
may 19 2024 +