
  • french impressionism, literature, greek mythology, cats, superhero movies, romantic clichés, asian culture, fruity ice-creams, artsy photos, sunflowers, roses, lillies, danceable songs, sweet tea, fantasy stories, travelling, visiting museums, art history, saturn rings whistles, writing dreams, velvet clothes, moon and stars, sticky notes in books, cozy berets in winter, round eyeglasses...


  • a poem ⊹ fever 103 by sylvia plath
  • a myth ⊹ the fall of icarus
  • a book ⊹ the raven cycle by maggie stiefvater
  • a movie ⊹ inception by christopher nolan
  • a painting ⊹ miss la la by edgar degas
  • a song ⊹ art déco by lana del rey
  • a constellation ⊹ pisces
  • a city ⊹ paris
mar 29 2020 ∞
apr 13 2020 +