୨୧ nouns
- prorogue: to discontinue (a session) without dissolving it – related to parliament
- ululation: howl, wail
- farmstead: the buildings and adjacent service areas of a farm
- sinecure: a position requiring little or no work but giving the holder status or financial benefit
- rivulet: a very small stream
- talisman: an object thought to have magic powers and bring good luck
- calumny: slander; defamation (false)
- extreme unction: anointing of the sick, before dying
- parlance: a particular way of speaking or using words, especially a way common to those with a particular job or interest
- nadir: the lowest point in the fortunes of a person or organization
- sycophant: bootlicker
- wog: slur (Engl.) for dark-skinned people
- cacique: (kuh-SEEK) a local political boss; Spanish origin
- triptych: a picture or relief carving on three panel; a set of three works meant to be appreciated together
୨୧ adjectives
- copacetic: in excellent order
- dolorous: feeling great sorrow or distress
- irascible: having or showing a tendency to be easily angered
- preternatural: beyond what is normal or natural
- sidereal: of or relating to stars or constellations; measured by the apparent motion of the stars
- aseptic: free from contamination
୨୧ verbs
- parlay: turn an initial winning from a previous bet into a greater amount
୨୧ expressions
- hair of the dog: an alcoholic beverage you drink to recover from drinking
- be on the dole: receiving unemployment benefits
- never the twain shall meet: suggests that two things are too different to coexist
nov 6 2024 ∞
mar 4 2025 +