• aus – modern, fandom/internet, college, teachers, office, florist/tattooist, 50s, 80s, historical, kpop idol, paranormal elements in otherwise modern/contemporary aus (like one of them is secretly a vampire oooh)
  • time fuckery – timeloops, character a interacting with a young/old version of character b, characters being immortal and living through different eras
  • magical realism or speculative fiction where just one thing is weird but the rest of it is much like real life
  • for fics specifically: character studies – i know these guys have a lot behind them! i love creations that explore their complexities, especially with each other!
  • experimental pieces – i’ve read fics that were written like literary articles and tumblr posts exploring the two characters like they were historical figures, and i find that so cool!
  • emotional intimacy, wrangling with emotions, discussions of heavier things
      • for example: jealousy/possessiveness and the character trying to keep it in check
  • getting together
      • or even the stage before they get together, where they're trying to navigate moving from friends to lovers
mar 4 2025 ∞
mar 4 2025 +