—୨୧ Goals
- Study abroad! It’s required by my major but I just hope I am successful in getting everything done so I go in the fall.
- Produce two comics/zines. At least.
- Open commissions, or start selling merch of your art! Or both.
- Write more stories. Bitch you can do it you forced two (2) things out of your ass for deadlines in Fiction class.
- Learn how to make a basic meal for yourself. :(
- Cook rice in your rice cooker with confidence.
- Read 30 books over the course of the year, excluding readings unless you really enjoyed them.
- Start taking one of the following: Spinny pole, hoop, silk
- Do a cross-knee release.
- Do a Superman!
- Get to a size you are happy with maintaining and also can maintain. I’m not asking for much.
- Climb to the top of the pole on your bad side you fucker
- Perform something on a stage. (Potentials: GG's thesis, girl group k-pop dance for Asian showcase, pole)
- Do a 365 on your finsta!
- Feel more confident speaking in front of people!
—୨୧ Resolutions
- Revise your essays. Put productive time into your schoolwork because you KNOW you can do better than you are doing right now.
- Make more art! Actively make time to pursue side projects, like writing/drawing.
- Document your life better—take more photos, write in your diary regularly.
- Take more breaks from social media.
- Eat less greasy food, more clean greens.
- Control your weekend habits! Stay in, bitch!
- Check up on friends more.
- Pursue fitness even at college. >:(
- Get better/more confident at Korean—ESPECIALLY speaking!
- Hydrate better.
- Set aside time for self-care.
- Self-care: Reading books/manga, drawing, journaling, watching a show/movie, long showers + singing!, skincare, trash (MAKE TIME FOR THIS, don’t just watch shit willy nilly.)
- Self-indulgence: MASTURBATION, pointless Youtube/Facebook videos, phone games, MORE THAN 30 MINUTES OF TRASH if not meant for self-care time
—୨୧ Stuff from 2017 to maintain
- Stay connected with family and friends from home.
- Maintain good social relations in general.
- Weed out negativity.
- Work through your thoughts in healthy, productive ways.
- Steadily work towards better control of your spending.
- Be kind to yourself when you want to take breaks. (Maybe be kinder, lol.)
- Keep using your planner!
- Take care of your skin.
- Try to maintain positive about your appearance!
—୨୧ BIG Wishes
- A good year for the family—happy and healthy!
- Happier times for all my friends.
- Less sadness in general.
- To be in better health overall, mentally and physically both.
- Have a better sense of how I want my future to go. (Or at least know what I don’t want to do.)
- Stop feeling like I’m in a rut!
—୨୧ Minor wishes
- Go on a date!
- Alternatively, fuck with enthusiastic consent.
- Or both LOL
- Have a good study abroad. Have friends. :( Please.
- See Seventeen live.
- A good roommate, please! (Or a single.)
nov 6 2024 ∞
nov 6 2024 +