list icon
  • "i don't know what you saw in me." "saw? i still see it."
  • answers my calls with her sleepy voice.
  • asks me to play games with her.
  • asks to hear about my thoughts.
  • blows air into my eyes when i stare for too long.
    • blows air into my mouth, even.
  • buys me games when she doesn't have to.
  • calls me amazing.
  • calls me stupid when i yap too long. <3
  • calls me when he's driving around.
  • cuddles. she's so comfy.
  • dilates her pupils when we talk or look at each other.
  • dms me out of nowhere.
  • doesn't mind if i cry.
  • gets flustered when i tell her she's pretty.
  • gets irritated when i use my awful british accent.
  • gives me eskimo kisses.
  • goes online within seconds of me sending her a message.
  • has good posture that shrimps up when she reads in class.
  • hugs me from behind.
  • invites me to her house.
    • especially when it's short notice <3
  • joins voice call when i ask her to.
  • keyboard spams over text.
  • kisses every part of me — she says i deserve it all.
  • kisses me as soon as she gets the chance.
  • kisses my forehead and nose when we cuddle.
  • knows way too much about osu mapping.
  • laughs, both the silent and vocal ones.
  • lets me sleep while she reads.
  • lets me stalk her flights.
  • lets me walk her to class.
  • listened to the song i sent her once.
  • listens to me rant about anything.
  • looks at me.
  • loves kissing me just as much as i love kissing her.
  • makes eye contact with me.
  • makes her way into my dreams almost every night.
  • makes no sense when she's tired.
  • makes sure to have less 3s in her heart emoticons so i can outheart her
  • messages me whenever i'm thinking about her.
  • moves items out of one of her hands to hold mine.
  • offers up her coat.
  • opens up to me.
  • pops into my head whenever i listen to a love song.
  • pouts and head tilts when i airbox her.
  • puts my comfortability first and never pushes me to do anything.
  • reaffirms my boundaries.
  • reassures me when i get sad.
  • reminds me that we're both real.
  • says "i love you too. so much." god.
  • says she misses me.
  • says she's going to cry when i bully her.
  • says only she can be hypocritical and deflects compliments.
  • scratches my head slightly.
  • sends godawful memes.
  • separates the "crust" from her uncrustables.
  • showers me in compliments until i get flustered.
  • shows me her concerning "music" taste. (300bpm speedcore is not music)
  • sits next to me during lunch.
  • smiles when i do.
  • squeaks when i bite her.
  • squeezes her arms around me when i hug her from behind.
  • stayed on call with me while playing rorr once when i fell asleep after school.
  • stays up with me to make sure i don't go to sleep alone, even if it's over text.
  • streams on twitch.
    • i listen to her while i play celeste
  • suffered through celeste for me.
  • surprise kisses me on the temple when i'm talking.
  • takes advantage of my ticklish spots.
  • talks about random topics.
  • talks about the future with me.
  • talks to me about the plot in her books.
  • tells me she'd be more than happy to see me messaging her when she's in voice call or streaming.
  • tells me she's disappointed for me knowing genshin and hsr characters.
  • tells me she's so happy we're dating.
  • tells me how she's feeling, both good and/or bad.
  • tells me in advance when she isn't showing up to school.
  • tells me there's no way she could forget i exist.
  • tells me to stop playing celeste for the sake of my sanity.
  • tells me whenever tanger or shayy uploads.
  • tells stories about her childhood.
  • thanks me for checking up on her.
  • ties her coat to her waist.
  • told me about how her bed smells like her after i come over.
  • tries to convince me to sleep early.
  • twitches when she sleeps.
  • understands my boundaries.
  • watches the celeste gameplay i send her.
  • waves at me when she picks me up to go to her house.
  • whispers "i love you".
  • wouldn't mind if i woke her up for comfort.

10/06/2023 - present.

dec 3 2023 ∞
apr 27 2024 +