list icon
  • "i thought about you" gifts — rocks, trinkets, small items
  • anxious leg shaking and fidgeting
  • carrying pain meds just in case someone has a headache
  • collecting items (cards, shells, etc)
  • drawing on hands
  • falling asleep on someone's shoulder
  • filler words — "um", "and", "like", "uh"
  • focusing so hard you can't hear yourself getting called on
  • hand gestures when talking about something passionate
  • holding an umbrella for someone
  • leaning into your notebook when furiously taking notes
  • pushing hair out of someone else's face
  • resting your head in your hand(s)
  • scribbled, rushed handwriting
  • sharing music tastes and making playlists together
  • subconscious head nodding when another person is speaking
  • swaying back and forth while waiting in line
  • talking about interests
  • the "aww" sound people make when they see cute animals
  • tying someone else's shoes
  • waiting for someone else to tie their shoes
  • waking up in class and having red print marks where your head rested on your hand

"nature is pleased with simplicity." - isaac newton

dec 5 2023 ∞
dec 29 2023 +