• seeing lightening bugs - i had no idea...
  • getting to know eric's dad - i think i like him more than eric
  • eric's 10 year old alaskan malamute dakota - sweetest dog on the planet
  • seeing eric look at birds through binoclars out the window of the sunroom
  • sleeping on a twin matress with eric in his parents living room
  • drinking till 4 am in new york city - they really know how to do it
  • making out in central park
  • looking at pictures of eric when he was a kid - he had blonde hair!
  • having the best latte ever at south street cafe
  • not going on-line for 5 days in a row
  • seeing a fox run accross the driveway
  • watching a western with eric's mom and dad
  • blowing up a hocky puck at eric's brother's house
  • driving on the new bypass in bennington... whoooo
  • making eric's dad french toast stuffed with cream cheese
  • seeing the new hannaford's
jul 6 2006 ∞
jul 6 2006 +