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⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⊹⠀ january ⠀⠀₊ ࣪𓏲
- take me out ⠀⠀ˇ ⠀⠀ franz ferdinand
- so, if you're lonely,
- you know i'm here waiting for you.
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- xanadu ⠀⠀ˇ ⠀⠀ olivia newton john
- the dream that came through a million years,
- that lived on through all the tears.
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- manoeuvres in the dark ⠀⠀ˇ ⠀⠀ genetic engineering
- changing, designing, adapting our mentalities,
- improving our abilities for a better way of life.
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- stand on his word ⠀⠀ˇ ⠀⠀ joubert singers
- have faith in god and trust his words,
- we don't know when to see his day.
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- the world we knew ⠀⠀ˇ ⠀⠀ frank sinatra
- and every bright neon sign turned into stars,
- and the sun and the moon seemed to be ours.
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⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⊹⠀ february ⠀⠀₊ ࣪𓏲
- journey ⠀⠀ˇ ⠀⠀ separate ways (worlds apart)
- someday, love will find you,
- break those chains that bind you.
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- culture club ⠀⠀ˇ ⠀⠀ miss me blind
- i say you'll miss me,
- and you always do.
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- king ⠀⠀ˇ ⠀⠀ the taste of your tears
- to au revoirs i have grown wise,
- i know goodbye should mean goodbye.
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⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⊹⠀ march ⠀⠀₊ ࣪𓏲
- engelbert humperdinck ⠀⠀ˇ ⠀⠀ quando, quando
- you mean happiness to me,
- oh, my love please tell me when.
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⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⊹⠀ april ⠀⠀₊ ࣪𓏲
- ajr ⠀⠀ˇ ⠀⠀ the good part
- if the work gets me where I'm supposed to be,
- will I know I've made it then?
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- børns ⠀⠀ˇ ⠀⠀ past lives
- i never thought I'd wait so long for you,
- the timing is right, the stars are aligned.
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- tina turner ⠀⠀ˇ ⠀⠀ i can't stand the rain
- hey, windowpane, tell me, do you remember,
- how sweet it used to be?
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- pointer sisters ⠀⠀ˇ ⠀⠀ automatic
- look what you're doing to me,
- i'm utterly at your whim.
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- stevie wonder ⠀⠀ˇ ⠀⠀ part time lover
- we are strangers by day, lovers by night,
- knowing it's so wrong, but feeling so right.
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- abc ⠀⠀ˇ ⠀⠀ poison arrow
- then I say, "i love you", foul the situation,
- hey girl, i thought we were the right combination.
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- the fixx ⠀⠀ˇ ⠀⠀ cameras in paris
- all the movements in a metaphor,
- who is the sleeper found dead on the floor.
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- america ⠀⠀ˇ ⠀⠀ you can do magic
- and when the rain is beatin' upon the window pane,
- and when the night it gets so cold, when i can't sleep.
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⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⊹⠀ may ⠀⠀₊ ࣪𓏲
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⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⊹⠀ june ⠀⠀₊ ࣪𓏲
- hurts ⠀⠀ˇ ⠀⠀ wonderful life
- but there's something in the air,
- they share a look in silence and everything is understood.
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⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⊹⠀ july ⠀⠀₊ ࣪𓏲
- sam and dave ⠀⠀ˇ ⠀⠀ hold on i'm coming
- now, don't you ever be sad,
- lean on me, when the times are bad.
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- gorillaz ⠀⠀ˇ ⠀⠀ cracker island
- i'm like a ship between the tide (I saw myself),
- i held on, I survived (there in the void).
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- the trogs ⠀⠀ˇ ⠀⠀ wild thing
- you make my heart sing,
- you make everything groovy.
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- rod stewart ⠀⠀ˇ ⠀⠀ forever young
- be courageous and be brave,
- and in my heart you'll always stay.
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- arcade fire ⠀⠀ˇ ⠀⠀ baby mine
- if they knew all about you,
- they'd end up loving you, too.
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⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⊹⠀ august ⠀⠀₊ ࣪𓏲
- hozier ⠀⠀ˇ ⠀⠀ too sweet
- you're bright as the morning, as soft as the rain,
- pretty as a vine, as sweet as a grape.
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⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⊹⠀ september ⠀⠀₊ ࣪𓏲
- bukhu ⠀⠀ˇ ⠀⠀ mother and father
- may your journey be well, wishes my father
- mind your honour in a foreign land, teaches mother.
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⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⊹⠀ october ⠀⠀₊ ࣪𓏲
- des rocs ⠀⠀ˇ ⠀⠀ used to the darkness
- i'm too damn young to give up on the light,
- i'm used to the darkness, I'm used to the darkness.
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- deva mahal ⠀⠀ˇ ⠀⠀ snakes
- look to the mountains, look to the mountains,
- and I'ma take you to the sea.
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