you are a firecracker, lit up with a passion, red-orange-yellow-gold gold gold. you loved so much, you cared so much, and even when that love wasn't worth it you remembered that feeling, and kept it close to your glass heart.
i am embers, of hidden, shy intentions. a soft, quiet, unnoticeable gray-blue. i loved, but was afraid of losing it. my glass heart broke so much easier than yours would.
you faced the world with everything you had. even when your heart and soul was being torn apart, there was no stopping you once you set your mind. a whirlwind.
i face the world as if it is my enemy. fearing everything, risking nothing. being torn apart on the daily from regrets, from words never said, from risks never taken. a being only used to fill space.
but new stars are born from the ones torn apart.
( a supernova, some would call it. )
— dear you, i'm writing this to myself. the you is the me i'm afraid to pursue. will i become you one day?