- drink bubble tea
- win nanowrimo at least twice
- ✔ get your fic recommended
- get a lengthy fic recommended
- have fanart for a fic drawn
- participate in science fair
- be proficient in piano
- learn to improvise
- learn to discern notes
- learn to recognize intervals
- learn to play challenging pieces
- learn to play from memory
- learn to recognize chord sequences + other technical goodies
- learn to play by ear
- learn to sight read proficiently
- go skydiving
- learn javascript
- learn LaTEX
- bake a chocolate cake
- code a website
- write a lengthy fic
- write your own original work
- read a book that changes your life
- overcome anxious symptoms + social awkwardness
- take a stunning photograph
- attend a fair/con/event
- make a glitter jar
- buy a glass jar
- use a bath bomb
- light a scented candle
- string lights over the room
- use tape or hooks
- clip photos to it!
- keep a terrarium
- glass vase w/ pebbles
- hang up photos against a corkboard
sep 17 2016 ∞
jun 1 2017 +