logo: yellow bg, white moon l2r

  • yves, chuu, and gowon run away from the mansion. olivia watches them angrily from the balcony.
  • yves runs through the forest happily (w the other girls behind her)
  • olivia is alone in the forest and looks around
  • the girls dance in a golden room with large black and white classical paintings on the walls. there are two large windows on the right corner and a chandelier on either side of a doorway that sits in the middle. there are four chairs on either side of the doorway, but the last one on the left is slightly offset. in this room the girls wear white shirts and plaid skirts with white socks and black shoes
  • olivia stands alone in the forest with her head down, shot fades to red
  • lipsyncing shots are of the girls sitting in front of white windows in floral dresses with nature in the background
  • the girls dance in a dark brown wooden room with a fireplace on the left with a man's portrait hanging above it. there are many empty bookshelves and two windows adjacent to each other on the right wall. there is a doorway in the middle, with two chairs on either side and a chandelier in the hallway the doorway leads to. there is also a chandelier in the center of the room. in this room the girls wear their yellow uniforms with white socks and black shoes. their teacher sits in the foreground
  • 'yyxy' flashes green and red similar to egoist
  • the girls stand in a golden room with a crowd of chairs (40?), curtains, and a mirror on either side. the teacher walks down in the line and inspects them, then a shot of the teacher inspecting their hands.
  • the girls sit in the chairs and the teacher holds up a pair of dirty white socks
  • yves is scolded by the teacher in a room with a green couch and a large painting. chuu watches from around a corner.
  • shot from another pov shows the clock in the room with the green couch says maybe 3:15, and next to chuu on the wall is a decoration with another painting in it
  • chuu, gowon, and olivia study in the brown room at a table with four green chairs. they look at yves who is sat in a chair looking out the window with her shoes off
  • another shot of them studying in a different brown room. the wood is a lighter color and the bookshelves are full. at the table there are five red chairs. chuu notices yves daydreaming and looking at the door.
  • yves looks back at their teacher who is facing the other direction and sneaks away
  • chuu watches her walk away
  • yves unlocks a gate in a hallway with 3 red chairs, 4 coatracks, and other shelves with books.
  • a sign on the wall reads "hányc_eni tilos." there is a part of the gate that covers between the c and the e so it is possible the c is an o. tilos means forbidden in hungarian, could not find translation for other word
  • yves exits gate and shot of teacher blinking
  • yves carries her shoes and walks in the forest in her socks. the shot fades to red.
  • teacher scolds chuu, gowon, and olivia standing in a line. chuu appears behind the teacher behind a doorway and motions for chuu to come with her.
  • chuu wanders the halls and yves pops out from a doorway and calls to her. chuu runs to her and they leave giggling
  • quick frames: green and red running past leaves, shot of olivia close up (presumably alone), olivia enters dark brown room alone, olivia's eye glancing around
  • the girls study in the dark brown room and yves whispers to gowon. the camera pans out and olivia is not sitting at the table with them. there is now one chair in the left corner and a red chair in the right corner. olivia listens from outside the door.
  • olivia enters the room shamefully and the other girls avert their eyes
  • shot of olivia at the table and the other girls in the corner, yves sitting in the green chair, talking to each other
  • shot of the girls talking and leaving olivia alone
  • olivia opens white double doors and finds the other girls talking to each other casually on a white couch. there is a painting of houses behind them. chuu has her shoes off. olivia enters the room and they look at her uncomfortably, stopping their conversation
  • yves, chuu, and gowon run in the forest
  • same shot of red and green running leaves
  • gowon bites the rose, yves bites the rose
  • shot of yves face biting the rose
  • shots of all 3 girls eating the rose petals, lipsyncing shot of the 3 girls together
  • washed out frame of gowon holding the rose, leans in to bite
  • chuu and yves bite the same rose
  • quick frames: chuu and yves bite the same rose, olivia alone in the forest tinted green and red, yves carrying her shoes in the forest, another olivia shot, yves pulling off the rose petal with her teeth, red and green leaf shot
  • dance break quick frames: feet under the table, 3 girls wearing just socks one girl wearing shoes; 3 girls with socks disappear; 4 girls sit at the table; olivia sits at the table; 4 girls do the choreography for the teacher; olivia does the choreo for the teacher; 4 girls sit on the same side of the table, ycg poke at the apples on their plates and olivia eats, one glass in front of yves with a coaster and two glasses, an upside down mug, and an upside down mug with a coaster sit between gowon and olivia; ycg disappear from the table
  • teacher walks and yves sneaks out a doorway behind her. she holds a red clipboard. there are two candle decorations either side but the one on the right has a white banner hanging from it.
  • teachers walks through dark brown room with a sparse number of books and gowon sneaks out, followed by chuu who was hiding behind the curtain
  • teacher crosses another threshold to see olivia sitting at a table alone
  • quick frames: someone (chuu?) running down the stairs, shot of olivia from behind, ycg running away from mansion, olivia from behind watches them
  • olivia stands on the balcony alone
  • gowon turns around and looks back at her but keeps running
  • shots of ycg laughing and running in the forest
  • lipsyncing shot of ycg in the forest
  • quick shots of the 3 girls playing and walking away from the camera, red+green leaf shot then shows olivia walking away from the camera in the forest alone
  • shot of olivia fades from red
  • mixed shots of ycg playing and olivia looking for them
  • olivia standing alone in the forest with her head down, shot opens from red
  • dance shot of yyxy > teacher glares then slow claps > olivia alone with head down

desc: LOOΠΔ/yyxy [beauty&thebeat]

Each one of the members have their unique identity as a solo artist, and the solo artists gather to form a unit. When the units finally gather, they create a world.

LOOΠΔ 1/3 sang the excitement and expectations of the first love through ‘Love&Live’. LOOΠΔ/ODD EYE CIRCLE sang that love is not about waiting, but about stepping forward and taking action through ‘Mix&Match’. Finally, LOOΠΔ/yyxy sings about the love of youth so shiny to seem luminous, through ‘beauty&thebeat’. They decide to be truthful to their emotions in the moment, free of worries about what may come tomorrow.

Yves, Chuu, Go Won, and Olivia Hye, the members of LOOΠΔ/yyxy, have talked about their own self-awareness and ego in their solo releases. The ego takes them to admire or even be jealous of someone else, like many girls in their age do. Sometimes the story derives from self-hatred or disappointment. However, they all come to a realization that ego isn’t decided or made by someone else, but is complete by loving oneself.

dal segno

The definition of ‘dal segno’ the title of the intro track is ‘return to segno’. The time of youth, which goes around and around in the same loop without their own intentions seemed like ‘dal segno’. In the loop, they find the light that lets them discover their own ego.

love4eva (feat. Grimes)

E-TRIBE, the maestro of dance music known for producing SNSD’s ‘Gee’, and an upcoming production team ‘BADD’ have collaborated to produce the track where the members of LOOΠΔ/yyxy completed “love4eva” with their various voice colors and expressive emotions. Sudden encounter of a crush. They sing that it is not just a process to get the person to love you back, but their emotion itself is what is lovable and precious.

Also, the news that one of the hippest artists in the world, Grimes, will be featuring in the track have raised a fervor in the pop scene around the globe. The beats lay on the start of the girls with blessing and grace by Grimes, the creator of her own musical universe.

The music video was shot exclusively in Budapest, Hungary with LOOΠΔ’s video director Digipedi. The director captures LOOΠΔ/yyxy’s process of completing their ego, which may be a ‘new’ ‘heart attack’ which is ‘one&only’ and ‘egoist’ in their own each way.


“frozen” aurally mesmerizes the audiences with oriental story-telling on top of a westernized beats. The melodies of the verse start in the spring passes through summer, where it reaches the chorus and hits you like winter, until flowers bloom again.

one way

“one way” actually is a track that has been kept aside for a long time to be used in a concept album titled ‘LOOΠΔ the Ballad’. ‘LOOΠΔ the Ballad’ which will be released in May 2019, is an album composed of ballad songs with the best melodies among many common ballad numbers. “one way” is a sneak preview for what is to come, through the emotional expressions in the voices of LOOΠΔ/yyxy. Yves opens with a dry voice as if she is standing alone in the silent desert, Chuu fills up the space with her voice full of moisture. Go Won’s crunchy voice and Olivia Hye’s voice with the duality of day and night, gather to complete one music.

rendezvous 18.6y

  • 6 years is the sidereal period of the moon.

The coincidence of the girls becoming LOOΠΔ 1/3, YeoJin, LOOΠΔ/ODD EYE CIRCLE, and lastly LOOΠΔ/yyxy. And one fate. Meeting with fans who have recognized LOOΠΔ from even before the debut. Endless things such as these that can only be described as ‘rendezvous’ That is how rendezvous 18.6y becomes meaningful.

sep 16 2019 ∞
oct 20 2019 +