• Lorelai is the mother of Jasper, Cecil, & Isobel. Winona Blythe.

Jasper’s best friends are Wesley & August.

  • 18 year old Jasper Fairbanks know he should be, well, more “fair” to his family and friends after all he’s done. From arguing back to fellow peers to cursing at inappropriate times to reckless driving and hiding secrets from his family,Jasper has spiraled into someone that’s unrecognizable to his family, friends, and most of all; himself. It doesn’t help the fact that Jasper hates the fairytale stories his mom reads to him and his siblings, especially since he’s 18 and knows that feeding into fantasies will only crush people’s dreams. Jasper doesn’t want to feed into unrealistic stories and dream for a better tomorrow, a better future, just like the fairytale stories his mom reads to them every night. He can’t blame his father for wanting to divorce from his mom, especially since she claims some of the fairytale stories she reads to them are true. But when Jasper’s mom warns him and his siblings that something is wrong with the books, Jasper just scoffs and pushes it aside. But when his mom is changing in her behavior and eventually goes missing, it’s up to Jasper to step it up and find her with his siblings. The real question is, will Jasper be able to push aside his selfishness and put a stop to what’s going on? And will he finally change for the better?
oct 1 2022 ∞
oct 1 2022 +