• Ilija & Lazar’s father, Darko Spasojević, was a good and well spoken about doctor back home in Serbia. Dr Spasojević or Spaso as he was affectionately called was born and raised in Čačak, Serbia. He was in Crna Gora at one point to help people there, and while on his trip, he met a young woman named Nada Jasnović, who was from Jagodina, Serbia; on vacation in Crna Gora with family and friends. They ended up falling in love and spending a lot of time together back home in Serbia. Nada worked as a waitress in Jagodina, where she was born and raised. She eventually ended up getting a better pay and job in Beograd, while Darko moved to Kraguvac for a better pay as well; making their relationship long distance. They worked it out though and eventually decided to move to America. There Darko could no longer work as a doctor unless he went to medical school, so he decided to become a reverend instead; something he used to volunteer as at his church back home in Serbia. His wife ended up going to college in the states and became an elementary school teacher. They have two kids, Lazar the oldest, and Ilija; named for religious and meaningful purposes, as the Spasojević family is very religious. Nada has an older brother, Mladen Jasnović, who still lives in Jagodina, who has 2 kids; Ivan “Ivo” & Tamara “Mara” Jasnović, along with his wife, Liljana Jasnović.

Darko has 3 siblings, 2 sisters and a brother. Nada just has an older brother.

oct 1 2022 ∞
oct 1 2022 +