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• ★ = primary kintype
• numbers beside kintypes indicate enneagram type
• all kintypes sorted in alphabetical order
• Lumin is what I call my dæmon. We are one and the same in this life as he is just another piece of me, but we've lived many lives in separate bodies in the past, so he has some kintypes that are his alone and not mine.

lala kinlist (manga | anime)
vernal kinlist (fire emblem: path of radiance + radiant dawn)
kinlist (fire emblem: et cetera)

Divine Dragon Alear - Engage
★ Ashyreth Eisner - Three Houses
Celica of Zofia - Echoes
Citrinne of Brodia - Engage
Delthea of Zofia - Echoes
★ Edelgard von Hresvelg - Three Houses
Princess Eirika of Renais - Sacred Stones
Elm - Heroes
Princess Fjorm af Nifl - Heroes
Princess Hinoka of Hoshido - Fates
Princess Hortensia of Elusia - Engage
Hræsvelgr of Yggdrasil - Heroes
Ingrid Brandl Galatea - Three Houses
Princess Lianna of Aytolis - FE Warriors
Lilina of Ostia - Binding Blade
Princess Lissa of Ylisse - Awakening
★ Prince Lucina "Marth" Falcaeda Lowell e Ylisse - Awakening [8w9 / 8-6-4]
Divine Dragon Monarch Lumera - Engage
Lyndis "Lyn" of Sacae - Blazing Blade
Marni of the Four Hounds - Engage
Queen Mikoto of Hoshido - Fates
Minerva - Shadow Dragon & Mystery of the Emblem
Nel - Engage (Fell Xenologue)
Nils of Pherae - Blazing Blade
Ophelia Dusk - Fates & Heroes
Robyn of Ylisse - Awakening
Empress Sanaki Altina of Begnion - Path of Radiance & Radiant Dawn
Selkie - Fates
★ Princess Sharena Sólana Henrisdóttir af Askr [7w6 / 7-3-9] - Heroes
Shez - Three Hopes
Princess Veronica of Embla - Heroes

jan 21 2023 ∞
jan 1 2025 +