
    • Ocidental: sol aries // lua escorpião // ascendente virgem
    • Chines: dragão ⁘ power, nobleness, honor, luck, and success
    • Celtico: touro ⁘ loyal, humorous, stubborn
    • Nativo americano: falcão ⁘ wisdom and inspiration, passion for truth and knowledge, natural-born leaders// birthstone: opal

Hogwarts house: ravenclaw ⁘ wisdom, cleverness, and wit

MBTI: INFJt advocate

Temperament: melancholic

Enneagram: 8w9 ⁘ confident, decisive, generous, supportive

Love language: quality time, fisical touch, gifts

Herbal archetype: nettle ⁘ sharp and direct

Nectar love print: RIEG lilac 9

sep 7 2022 ∞
apr 2 2023 +