list icon

June 27th 2012

  • I spent a day with Lo. at home. We watched movies (Walt Disney and Horror) all night and laughed.

June 28th 2012

  • Draw finished ✎
  • I watched The Jungle Book.

June 29th 2012

  • "Sunny" afternoon and picnic with friends (Laurène, Laurie, Sandra, Marie-Camille, Tiphaine, Amélie, Amandine, Quentin, Nathan, Mélodie, Ambre) ♥ We sang Walt Disney's songs.
  • I watched Pocahontas, Lady And The Tramp and The Rescuers (Bernard & Bianca).
  • I searched and discovered nice informations about Walt Disney's movies : french voices, Hidden Mickeys...

June 30th 2012

  • I spent a day in a field in the country and picnic with my family and my family's friends. I took photos.
  • I watched Disney movies.

July 1rst 2012

  • I was invited to a party by a friend.
  • I read Millénium 3.

July 2nd 2012

  • I spent my time on my computer : I listened and downloaded music, watched again Disney movies and I finished the 1rst season of Awkward.

July 3rd 2012

  • I discovered Marvel and D.C.'s universe with comics and super-heroes. So, I watched The Incredibles, Fantastic 4 : Rise Of The Silver Surfer and Kick-Ass. Now, I would like to read comics !

July 4th 2012

  • I'm out of plaster and I discovered the serie New Girl.

July 5th 2012

  • I went to a party : I drank alcohol, met people, smoked, camped...

July 6th 2012

  • I was tired so I sleept all the afternoon.

July 7th 2012

  • I read Hunger Games : Catching Fire on a deckchair in my garden and I tanned.

July 8th 2012

  • I went to the cinema with Lo. and matched The Amazing Spider-Man.

July 9th 2012

  • I finished Hunger Games : Catching Fire and I watched the movie. I started to read _Maya Fox 4__.

July 10th 2012

  • Body painting (on my face).

July 11th 2012

  • Staying all day long in my pajamas.

July 12th 2012

  • I bought a british agenda Sex Pistols - Anarchy in the U.K., a leather pencil case, a new shirt and glasses Ray Ban Aviator.

July 13th 2012

  • I passed the 1rst part of my examen (Bac).

July 14th 2012

  • Holidays : I went to Aix-en-Provence (Pont-Royal) with my family. Hello sun and swimming-pool and restaurant !

July 15th 2012

  • Activities : I swam to the swimming-pool, met new friends, saw a spectacle and danced.

July 16th 2012

  • Activies : Badminton, pedalboat and water-polo. Brazilian night : Salsa, futchebol and limbo.

July 17th 2012

  • Morning and afternoon at swimming-pool.

July 18th 2012

  • Morning and afternoon at swimming-pool : battles... At the beginning of the evening, we saw the coordinator's show and danced the night !

July 19th 2012

  • Morning at swimming-pool and at the afternoon I played beach-volley. Then, we repeated for the show : I danced on Bring Me To Life by Evanescence.

July 20th 2012

  • We watched the video of the show. Then, we ate pizzas anywhere near lake with my friends. We went to the swimming-pool and did "Adolympiades". Miss & Mister Pont-Royal evening.

July 21rst 2012

  • With my family, we visited some many villages : Fontaine De Vaucluse, Gordes, Sénanque, Roussillon...

July 22nd 2012

  • We went to the swimming-pool and the club : we met new friends. I saw the coordinator's show and I danced in the Spot.

July 23rd 2012

  • Swimming-pool, pedalboat, basket-polo... During the evening, I learnt how to play the "Bataille Corse" with cards. Then, we danced.

July 24th 2012

  • We played with Post-it, blow-pipe and darts and water-bombs. At the evening, we saw the coordinator's show and danced.

July 25th 2012

  • Swimming-pool and battles. During the evening, we watched Project X.

July 26th 2012

  • Swimming-pool with friends and coconut-ball. Then, my family's friends came to Pont-Royal : me, my sister and Célia went to the swimming-pool, we ate pizzas at restaurant together and saw the show children about The King Lion. It was funny ! During the night, we danced in the Spot.

July 27th 2012

  • Last day in Pont-Royal : we celebrated open olympics games 2012 to London. Afternoon "Maxilympiades" with all the clubs : it was funny (Team Splash). Musical quiz during the evening and then, we danced.

July 28th 2012

  • We left Pont-Royal and went to Saintes-Maries De La Mer. Afternoon swimming-pool and sun-tanning. I took photos. During the evening, we went to restaurant and saw an equestrian show : it was magical !

July 29th 2012

  • With my parents we went on the beach. Then, at midday, we ate at a buffet newt to the swimming-pool and returned on the beach. During the evening, we went to a restaurant in Aigues Mortes.

July 30th 2012

  • Last in day in Provence : we packed and during the morning, we went on the beach. I collected shells. We walked in Saintes-Maries and came home... I ate McDonalds and watched the Olympics Games.

July 31th 2012

  • I stayed at home on my computer.

August 1rst 2012

  • I invited LO. for sleep at home. We watched Shutter Island, Rec 2 and Honey.

August 2nd 2012

  • I played with The Sims 3.

August 3rd 2012

  • I watched movies and took care of my photos.

August 4th 2012

August 5th 2012

  • An amazing afternoon : meeting Starkids of my city Nancy, we talk a lot and about everything : fandoms, ships, crushes, tv series ... We have so much in common, it's like Tumblr but in real life : TOTALLY AWESOME ! Then, I went to Lo.'s house and we watched The Woman In Black...

August 6th 2012

  • I returned at home and stayed with my cats. I watched Holy Musical B@tman by Team StarKid and downloaded the music. And New Girl.

August 7th 2012

  • I watched Starship by Team StarKid (Lauren Lopeeez ♥).

August 8th 2012

August 9th 2012

  • I watched a lot of movies and I downloaded different mash-up and took photos with the application Polaroid.

August 10th 2012

  • I bought a new jacket and I customized in my agenda.

August 11th 2012

  • I slept at Amélie's home.

August 12th 2012

  • I caught train for go to the south of France with my friend. Then, we went on the beach and the swimming-pool.

August 13th 2012

  • Beach and swimming-pool.

August 14th 2012

  • Beach and swimming-pool.

August 15th 2012

  • Beach and swimming-pool. Then, we celebrated the Saint-Marie : drank champagne and saw a firework.

August 16th 2012

  • We went to restaurant with friends of Amélie's family.

August 17th 2012

  • Beach and swimming-pool.

August 18th 2012

  • With Amélie, we ride with bicycle along the side of the beach and on midtown. Here, I bought a overblouse, vintage cards and an ice cream.

August 19th 2012

  • Beach and swimming-pool. We visited the Seaquarium.

August 20th 2012

  • We went to Langonier's home (friends of Amélie's family) and profited of the private swimming-pool. Then, we visited a town : Sommières and I took a lot of photos.

August 21rst 2012

  • Beach and swimming-pool.

August 22nd 2012

  • We went to Aigues Mortes by the night.

August 23rd 2012

  • We returned to Aigues Mortes and walk around the battlements.

August 24th 2012

  • We caught train and returned to Nancy. When I went home, I was on my computer all the night.

August 25th 2012

  • I went to buy the Hunger Games DVD and I watched the movie. It was amazing. And Charlie & The Chocolate Factory.

August 26th 2012

  • I stayed at home, on my computer : photos, Sims 3, Tumblr...

August 27th 2012

  • I went to Célia's home with my sister. We ate and went to the park. We talked a lot of because she recounted us her holidays on the U.S.A.

August 28th 2012

  • I spent a day with Laurène : Subway, Oberlin... We saw BMX !

August 29th 2012

  • I went to the hairdresser's and I invited Laurène to slept at home. We watched movies.

August 30th 2012

  • I stayed at home and watched Glee.

August 31rst 2012

  • I watched again Glee.

September 1rst 2012

  • I went to Amnéville with friends of my family : pinic, accrobranche, Thermapolis... Then, we celebrated a birthday and during the evening, I did baby-sitting.

September 2nd 2012

  • We went to the zoo and saw different animals so I took a lot of photos. Then, we returned at home to Nancy.

September 3rd 2012

  • I cleaned my bedroom.

September 4th 2012

  • I discovered my new class, teachers and agenda. We ate with Manon, Marion, Damien, Auriane, Émilie and Marie-Capucine together. And I met Laurène.

September 5th 2012

  • First phylosophy lesson. It was particular.

September 6th 2012

  • I watched so many episodes of Glee.

September 7th 2012

  • I discovered East Pro Shop and I love it !

September 8th 2012

  • New skaters Van's.

September 9th 2012

  • I cooked a tiramisu and it was deliciouuuus !

September 10th 2012

  • Sunny day and I ate pasta.

September 11th 2012

  • I chose different sports for E.P.S lesson : volley-ball, bodybuilding and athleticism.

September 12th 2012

  • I slept 10 hours and I was in fine form ! Then, I ate a pizza.

September 13th 2012

  • I started again guitar lessons and I was so happy !

September 14th 2012

  • I watched the 1rst episode of Glee season 4. I love the song New York, State Of Mind.

September 15th 2012

  • I saw Laurène and spent an afternoon with her. We talked about our lifes and watched Millenium 2.

September 16th 2012

  • I went to Le Livre Sur La Place and I had breakfast (pieapple juice and croissant) with my Mum. Then, I saw an equestrian show. I was wonderful !

September 17th 2012

  • I ate pancakes.

September 18th 2012

  • Omg, I drove a car for the 1rst time and it was very strangeeee ! But I played volley-ball and I loved it !

September 19th 2012

  • I had just 2h of class.

September 20th 2012

  • Guitar lesson. Then, I made a new mediator necklace and listened music in my bed because I love to escape from reality.

September 21rst 2012

  • I watched the new Glee episode and Dead Poets Society and Anastasia.

September 22nd 2012

  • I spent my afternoon with Lucie and then, I did shopping with my Mum : leather jacket, jeans, headscarf...

September 23rd 2012

  • I listened Glee's songs on repeat : New York State Of Mind and Rolling In The Deep ♥♥♥

September 24th 2012

  • I weared my new leather jacket.

September 25th 2012

  • Listened music on repeat.

September 26th 2012

  • I watched an episode of Glee and played with The Sims 3.

September 27th 2012

  • Guitar lesson and new jean.

September 28th 2012

  • I like phylosophy lesson.

September 29th 2012

  • I listened Disco and the Bee Gees because of an episode of Glee. Then, I ate chocolate and watched Mary Poppins with my Mum ♥

September 30th 2012

  • I spent the morning with Lo. in town for a flea market. I took photos and ate viennese pastry. We talked about everyhting. The, I watched The Hunchback of Notre-Dame.

October 1rst 2012

  • Skype with Lo. !

October 2nd 2012

  • Hugs with my caaats ♥

October 3rd 2012

  • In italian lesson, we met the new beautiful assistant : Salvatore ! I watched The Beast & Beauty.

October 4th 2012

  • Guitar lesson. Pancakes and Tumblr power !

October 5th 2012

  • Week-eeeeeend ! I downloaded music, laughted with my sister and my Mum and watched Harry Potter 2 (it's been a long time).

October 6th 2012

  • I slept late, played with The Sims 3. I watched Big Fish with my Mum and my sister.

October 7th 2012

  • I spent the morning with Laurène and Laurie at L'Autre Canal for a vinyls sale. Then, we lunched at Subway. When I was back at home, I watched episodes of Kaamelott and Pulp Fiction with my Mum.

October 8th 2012

  • I listened music on repeat again and again : Shaka Ponk, Caro Emerald, The Glee Cast...

October 9th 2012

  • I saw Lo. on the morning bus. Episodes of_New Girl_ and Tumblr.

October 10th 2012

  • JAPD with Celia. I watched Dark Shadow and played with The Sims 3.

October 11th 2012

  • Episodes of New Girl and Walt Disney movies.

October 12th 2012

  • I downloaded music and watched New Girl.

October 13th 2012

  • Shopping. I watched Pearl Harbor the afternoon. Then, Lo. came at home and we laughted, talked about us life and watched : Peter Pan The Movie ; Millenium 3 and Kick-Ass.

October 14th 2012

  • Morning with Lo. ! Then, I downloaded a lot of musiiiiics and watched on the TV Perfume : The Story Of A Murderer.

October 15th 2012

  • New clothes and I lunched chinese food with Mum ♥

October 16th 2012

  • Volley-ball.

October 17th 2012

  • Not school during the afternoon. I stayed at home and watches series.

October 18th 2012

  • Guitar lesson.

October 19th 2012

  • I played The Sims 3 and watched videos on Youtube.

October 20th 2012

  • I slept 2h30 hours during the afternoon because I was tired. Then, I watched Kaamelott, Singin' In The Rain and Edward Scissorhands

October 21rst 2012

  • I slept with my cats and listened music in my bed. Then, I created playlists and played with The Sims 3. I saw Laurène. We talked and laughted. And I watched The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button on the TV.

October 22nd 2012

  • Tumblr again and again : omfg pictures of Aaron Johnson ♥ I had new ideas for blogs. I played guitar and watched Kaamelott.

October 23rd 2012

  • Tumblr power. I slept with my casts.

October 24th 2012

  • I ate at Cook'in Cafe with my friends. We watched a movie in phylosophy lesson.

October 25th 2012

  • Guitar lesson. I talked about James Bond movies with my Mum. So I downloaded soundtrack of movies. I was excited because holidays will come.

October 26th 2012

  • HOLIDAYS are back ! I bought my new vintage shoes. Skype with Laurène (polaroids photos). I watched Saturday Night Fever.

October 27th 2012

  • I slept late and watched Glee and New Girl. Then, I spent the afternoon with Laurène, Laurie and Anaëlle : we talked, took photos, laughted, smoked... Evening : birthday party for the Sandrine's 50. I saw family's friends, danced, laughted, ate some food, drank... Amazing !

October 28th 2012

  • Brunch with pancakes, pains au chocolat and brioche... Then, I took photos in the garden and watched Moulin Rouge and _ For Your Eyes Only_ with my Mum. Skype with Laurène. In the evening, I watched Starship by Team StarKid.

October 29th 2012

  • I cleaned my room. Then, I finished the 1rst season of New Girl and began Doctor Who and read Hamlet by Shakespeare. In the evening, I watched Nanny McPhee, Nanny McPhee & The Big Bang and The Emperor's New Groove.

October 30th 2012

  • I watched the 1rst episode of Game Of Thrones. Then, I saw Lucie in the midtown : we talked, drank a smoothie, walked... And I bought a new red scarf and a new red hat. I played guitar. In the evening, I played with The Sims 3 and my sister. For finish, I watched a part of Star Wars, Episode I - The Phantom Menace.

October 31rst 2012

  • I watched the 2nd part of Star Wars and The Nightmare Before Christmas. I was interesting by Tim Burton's drawings ! Then, I watched some episodes of Glee. In the evening, I went to restaurant with Reumond's family. It was great ! We ate indian food : delicious.

November 1rst 2012

  • I watched Alice In Wonderland and The Pianist and I did a drawing of Johnny Depp.

November 2nd 2012

  • I watched episodes of Game Of Thrones and played guitar. In the evening, I watched TF1 with my sister and we laughted.

November 3rd 2012

  • I played with The Sims 3 and watched episodes of Game Of Thrones and Disney movies.

November 4th 2012

  • I played with The Sims 3 all the afternoon and watched Le Fabuleux Destin D'Amélie Poulain with my Mum and my cats in my bedroom. in the evening, I watched Grease, The King Lion and 1 episode of Game Of Thrones.

November 5th 2012

  • Playing with The Sims 3. I watched an episode of Game Of Thrones. Tumblr power ! Guitar lesson and new song : Tracy Chapman - Talkin' About A Revolution ♥ In the evening, I packed my bag for Paris and I was so excited ! Then, I watched Anastasia.

November 6th 2012

  • I caught a train for Paris with my sister and my mother. When we were arrived, we took the Métropolitain for go to the hotel and we unpacked. Then, we went to the Champs-Elysées and lunched a pizza (we ere hungry) at Pizza Pino. Before, we did shopping : Gap, Zara, Marks & Spencer, H&M, Disney Store... I bought a wool cardigan and a shirt. Then, we saw the Van Gogh's exposition and returned on the Champs-Elysées for go to Abercrombie & Fitch (for my sister). In the evening, we were so tired and came back at the hotel and went to restaurant.

November 7th 2012

  • Breakfast with pain au chocolat and orange juice. We decided to go to Montmartre and took a walk in the streets. We saw the Sacré Coeur, painters, Moulin Rouge, Café Des 2 Moulins... Lunch at Hard Rock Café : chicken hamburger and potatoes. We spent the afternoon at the art museum Pompidou. It was interesting and I bought 3 books about art (Street Art, Pop Art and Tim Burton). Then, we went in a bar and drank a chocolat Starbucks. In the evening, we went to restaurant.

November 8th 2012

  • Last day in Paris... Breakfast with pain au chocolat and orange juice. We decided to go to at the Musée D'Orsay. We saw impressionist paintings and sculptures. Then, we took the RER for see the Eiffel Tower and returned next to Notre-Dame for lunch at restaurant. Then, we took a walk along the Seine side and saw secondhand bookseller. We were on the Pont Des Arts and I took a lot of photos of padlocks. Then, we saw the Opéra Garnier and went to Starbucks Coffee. Lastly, we went on the Galerie Lafayette. It was an impressive show ! For finish, we vaught train for come back to Nancy... I found again my computer, my bedroom... But so memories...

November 9th 2012

  • I was in one's pyjamas all the day. I did polaroid photos, played with The Sims 3 and watched series. Evening TV with my sister : we laughted.

November 10th 2012

  • I finished the 1rst season of Game Of Thrones and watched Inglourious Basterds and The Amazing-Spiderman. I was on Tumblr, played guitar and with The Sims 3.

November 11th 2012

  • Last holiday... I played a lot of with The Sims 3 and went to the cinema for watch Skyfall (amazing James Bond movie). Then, I listened Adele's song on repeat.

November 12th 2012

  • I lunched pizza and potatoes. I watched Game Of Thrones and laughted with my sister when we played with The Sims 3.

November 13th 2012

  • I rediscovered cartoons when i was young...

November 14th 2012

  • I lunched a chicken panini with popatoes. I watched series.

November 15th 2012

  • Guitar lesson.

November 16th 2012

  • Afternoon to Oriaction. Skype with Laurène.

November 17th 2012

  • WEEK-END ! I lunched at Nooi with Laurène and she went at home. We watched some movies. New game The Sims 3 - Seasons.

November 18th 2012

  • I played with The Sims 3 and watched series and movies.

November 19th 2012

  • Not school during the afternoon : I played with The Sims 3.

November 20th 2012

  • Sims 3 poweeer !

November 21th 2012

  • I wanted to see Skip The Use in concert with Laurie, yeaaah !

November 22th 2012

  • Interesting phylosophy lesson. I listened Disney songs on repeat (yes, I'm addict).

November 23th 2012

  • Week-end came back ! Tumblr again and again. I watched the last episode of Glee : OMFG, it refered at the Team StarKid, let me diiiie ! During the evening, I watched TV.

November 24th 2012

  • I made new lists and a new design for my Listography. Then, I found inspiration pictures on Tumblr and played with The Sims 3. During the evening, I went to my father's cousin home for take my new electric guitar. OMG, she was beautiful ! Thaaaaanks very much. I was happy ! And Lo. you made me laugh with your ship : #Guitarlotte ahah. Then, I watched Singin' In The Rain.

November 25th 2012

  • I slept until 11:00 and played with my new guitar called "Blue Bird". Amazing ! And I stayed on Tumblr for find pictures. Then, I tried to play piano, I watched Percy Jackson and played with The Sims 3.

November 26th 2012

  • I ate pastas. I played with my new guitar. I found new pictures for my inspiration.

November 27th 2012

  • The Sims 3 power and Skype with Lo. ! I watched an episode of Glee.

November 28th 2012

  • New list on Listography. I found a lot of inpiration pictures on Tumblr. We had crêpes for dinner. My mother bought the books Millenium 1 and Da Vinci Code for me. Thank youuu Mum ♥

November 29th 2012

  • Guitar lesson : Tracy Chapman poweeer ! I read Millenium 1.

November 30th 2012

  • I snugged in front of the fire because it was cold. Skype with Lo. and I watched the last episode of Glee. Then, during the evening, I watched TV.

December 1rst 2012

  • With Laurie, we bought concert tickets for Skip The Use and we lunched at Nooi ! Then, I came back to home and hugged my cats ♥ I watched Nowhere Boy with the sexy Aaron Johnson. I stayed on Tumblr. During the evening, I went to the St-Nicolas on the Place Stanislas for a light show with firework. It was cold but beautiful ! Then, I snugged in front of the fire and watched De Rouille Et D'Os with Marion Cotillard and ate chocolats.

December 2nd 2012

  • When I woke up I listened music on my bed. Then, I discovered that it was snow during the night. Omg winter is coming back ! So, I read Millenium 1 (amazing plot) with my cats (they are so cuuut ♥). I walked them in the garden. Then, I played with The Sims 3. My Mum cooked chicken and cheese fondue. And Tumblr power again and again.

December 3rd 2012

  • Not school at the afternoon. So I stayed at home and played guitar, The Sims 3 and I watched Brave (Disney Child forever).

December 4th 2012

  • I hugged my cats (like everyday) ♥ Skype with Lo. !

December 5th 2012

  • I downloaded Walt Disney songs._Tumblr_ and pictures.

December 6th 2012

  • Guitar lesson : next week I will start a new song and I was excited. Mum cooked cheese pasta.

December 7th 2012

  • Snow, snow and snow. I was informed that we didn't have test tomorrow : HAPPY ! I watched Glee and TV. I downloaded Christmas songs.

December 8th 2012

  • I watched Foresti Party Bercy. Omg, Florence you're amazing ! I caught train for go to Strasbourg with my Mum, my sister and Dominique : I listened Skyfall and read Millenium. Christmas lights and shopping. Restaurant with Reinberger's family : we laughted so much.

December 9th 2012

  • Breakfast with ice juice and pain au chocolat and market Christmas. Strasbourg was wonderful and magical. I drank a hit chocolat because it was cold. Restaurant again with Reinberger's family and shopping. I bought a new winter hat. Then, we were back to home : I stayed on my computer and saw my photos.

December 10th 2012

  • AVPSY news by Team StarKid : omg, I'm excited ! I played with The Sims 3.

December 11th 2012

  • I watched Very Bad Blagues videos and I laughted so much. I made a list of cinema movies.

December 12th 2012

  • I stayed at home during morning. And I ate a raclette for dinner. I watched Narnia.

December 13th 2012

  • Guitar lesson. I read Millenium.

December 14th 2012

  • The last episode of Glee and I searched Christmas movies.

December 15th 2012

  • Week-end : I bought Christmas presents. When I came back at home, I did polaroid photos and I watched movies.

December 16th 2012

  • I watched childhood movies with My Mum ♥ And I saw Laurène.

December 17th 2012

  • I received a message of Tata and watched Love Actually.

December 18th 2012

  • I finished to read The Millenium Trilogy. Omg AMAZING books ! I found some pictures on Tumblr.

December 19th 2012

  • I played guitar.

December 20th 2012

  • Guitar lesson. I watched Dumbo by Walt Disney and played with The Sims 3.

December 21rst 2012

  • The end of the world : 21/12/12. I survied ! HOLIDAYS are back. I bought the last presents of Christmas. I watched the TV.

December 22nd 2012

  • I slept later and played guitar and played with The Sims 3. I went to Laurène's home. We watched movies.

December 23rd 2012

  • I watched Disney movies with Laurène. Then back to home, I watched Game Of Thrones, King Kong and Pirates Of The Caribbean. Then, I watched a part of A Very Potter Musical. Omg, I watched openings of cartoons when I was young : I miss my childhood.

December 24th 2012

  • I cleant my room and watched It's A Wonderful Life. Then, it was Christmas Eve : food, Christmas tree, presents, Christmas songs...

December 25th 2012

  • Christmas day. I started to read Da Vinci Code and watched Ted, Game Of Thrones, Foresti Party Bercy with my Mum and my sister and A Very Potter Musical.

December 26th 2012

  • I watched Ed Wood and episodes of Pokemon and Digimon because I miss my chilhood.

December 27th 2012

  • I watched Batman by Tim Burton and Game Of Thrones and cartoons, played guitar, The Sims 3.

December 28th 2012

  • I finished to watch the 2nd season of Game Of Thrones. I read Da Vinci Code.

December 29th 2012

  • I watched movies and cartoons, played with The Sims 3 and played guitar.

December 30th 2012

  • I watched movies and stayed on Tumblr.

December 31rst 2012

  • I read Da Vinci Code and went to Happy New Year Eve's at Laurie's party (I met people, drank, smoked, danced...).

January 1rst 2013

  • 2013 ! Hangover so I tryed to watch Happy New Year Eve but I slept. Elea came at home.

January 2nd 2013

  • We did shopping and I watched a Hitchcok movie.

January 3rd 2013

  • I went to the cinema and watched Tim Burton movies.

January 4th 2013

  • I saw Lucie and we talked about us life.

January 5th 2013

  • I watched Dirty Dancing (omg, this movie), cartoons and Awkward.

January 6th 2013

  • I watched movies again : The Phantom Of The Opera, Die Another Day, Millenium 3, Walk The Line. And I did polaroid photos.

January 7th 2013

  • I played with _The Sims 3__.

January 8th 2013

  • I read Da Vinci Code.

January 9th 2013

  • Tumblr power : I found a lot of pictures.

January 10th 2013

  • Guitar lesson.

January 11th 2013

  • I watched series and TV.

January 12th 2013

  • I did shopping with Auriane, Marion and Damien. I watched movies that I've never seen.

January 13th 2013

  • I watched Matrix and played with The Sims 3.

January 14th 2013

  • I did shopping and I downloaded music covers.

January 15th 2013

  • Musculation at school. Snow is back.

January 16th 2013

  • I listened music in my bed.

January 17th 2013

  • Improvised breakfast with pastry and hot chocolate with my friends. I watched A Clockwork Orange.

January 18th 2013

  • Guitar, Tumblr, The Sims 3.

January 19th 2013

  • I did shopping with Mum, played guitar, watched Nowhere Boy (Aaron Johnson ♥), 21 Jump Street and The Lion King 2 and eat a raclette for dinner. Skype with Lo. : memories about skyblogs.

January 20th 2013

  • I played guitar. Then, I talked about Laurie's birthday gift with Lo. ! I defrosted my mother's car with my sister : it was funny, I had the impression to destroy it. I spent my afternoon in my garden because all was frozen. I took photos. I rewatched movies that I already see.

January 21rst 2013

  • It snowed again. Hot chocolate at the swimming-pool with Marion, Roxanne and Damien. I watched Gangs Of New York for the 1rst time.

January 22nd 2013

  • When i was back at home, I took a nap and I slept 3h because I was very tired.

January 23rd 2013

  • Laurie's birthday : omg she's 18 ! I sent a sms to him.

January 24th 2013

  • I watched Sleep Hollow by Tim Burton. Guitar lesson : Blue Bird power ! I met Ambre and Quentin after. Pitch Perfect addiction.

January 25th 2013

  • Glee is back and I watched Fantasia 2000 by Walt Disney !

January 26th 2013

  • I went to the cinema for watching Django Unchained. Omg, this movie is perfect congrats Tarantino and I listened the OST !

January 27th 2013

  • I watched Hugo and The Boy In The Striped Pajamas.

January 28th 2013

  • I watched a part of Chaplin.

January 29th 2013

  • I read Da Vinci Code.

January 30th 2013

  • Music shops with Lucie and we drank a hot chocolat with Anne-Flore and talked about everything.

January 31rst 2013

  • Lo. was in the bus ahah. Skype with her during 1h because we are crazy. Then, I watched Romeo + Juliet because this movie is perfect !

February 1rst 2013

  • I spent my morning with Lo. and she learnt me how do the cup's song. I found the X-Files' music.

February 2nd 2013

  • I went to the cinema with Lo. and Elise and we prepared Laurie's gift. Lo. stayed at home : memories.

February 3rd 2013

  • Crêpes homemade by Mum : délicious !

February 4th 2013

  • I watched Doctor Who.

February 5th 2013

  • I watched movies. Darren Criss's birthday. We talked about names with Lo.

February 6th 2013

  • We did Laurie's birthday gift with Lo. and listened Edith Piaf.

February 7th 2013

  • I read Da Vinci Code.

February 8th 2013

  • I finished Da Vinci Code, watched Glee, Apocalypse Now and Amélie Poulain while I did drawing about Django and Gorillaz.

February 9th 2013

  • I saw Lo. and we gave the gift we made for Laurie.

February 10th 2013

  • I made lists about my Golden Music Book. Lo. gave me gifts of Nowhere Boy. I watched Doctor Who.

February 11th 2013

  • I watched sketchs of Gad Elmaleh.

February 12th 2013

  • I listened the Nowhere Boy's B.O. on repeat. I discovered that John Lennon made the Daily Howl.

February 13th 2013

  • I watched Da Vinci Code.

February 14th 2013

  • I watched 127 Hours with James Franco. Tumblr poweeer !

February 15th 2013

  • I went to the restaurant with my family for my father's birthday. I watched Scream 3 and THe Perks Of Being A Wallflower.

February 16th 2013

February 17th 2013

  • I ate delicious cookies, chocolate and crêpes.

February 18th 2013

  • I played with The Sims 3.

February 19th 2013

  • I stayed on Tumblr all the afternoon and I watched Harry Potter 4 and Cry Baby. I made a list about my Ship.

February 20th 2013

  • I watched The Boat That Rocked and Singin' In The Rain.

February 21rst 2013

  • Guitar lesson. Holidays are baaaaack ! So, I watched Skyfall.

February 22nd 2013

  • I bought books : The Perks Of Being A Wallflower and Angels & Demons. New Classic Van's. I lunched chinese food with my mum. Ear piercing. I took a nap. During the evening, I watched Mary Poppins and Peter Pan 2.

February 23rd 2013

  • I created my Tumblr Vintage : The, I chose my birthday cake. I started to read The Perks Of Being A Wallflower. I took a nap and went to Cécile's party. It was awesome !

February 24th 2013

  • It was my 18th Birthday and I snowed ! Friends wished my happy birthday at the party : we danced on Smells Like A Teen Spirit. They were so sweet ! Then, I listened Heroes by David Bowie all night long. With my parents, we celebrated my birthday during the lunch. I received money from my grand-parents, a chain bracelet from my sister, a London trip from my parents and a photograph album from all of them. Then, I read The Perks Of Being A Wallflower and during the evening, I went at Laurie's house. We cooked, stayed outside because it was snowing and we watched Misfits and Nowhere Boy.

February 25th 2013

  • I stayed at home and watched Neverland Part 1, Neverland Part 2, X-Men - First Class and Pocahontas.

February 26th 2013

  • Guitar lesson. I went to Yves Rocher and bought a new clock and a bag.

February 27th 2013

  • I went to hair stylist for curling my hair (yeaaaah). Then, I read The Perks Of Being A Wallflower and I stayed on Tumblr.

February 28th 2013

  • We went to ski in Vosges with Mum', Victorine and Juliette. It was funny ! It reminded me old February holidays. When we came back to home, I watched Contagion and Tomorrow Never Dies.

March 1rst 2013

  • I downloaded Fréro Delavega covers and I read THe Perks Of Being A Wallflower. Laurène and Laurie come at home.

March 2nd 2013

  • Laurène and Laurie stayed at home. Lo. learned me how to do gifs. and Reumond and Cottel's family come for my brithday. Awesome evening ! I received presents. I listened Aznavour songs.

March 3rd 2013

  • I posted gif on Tumblr of Nowhere Boy. I wrote quotations on my new notebook. I started to make my Percent's costume : Edward Sissorhands. I did gifs of Cry Baby on Tumblr.

March 4th 2013

  • I listened Come What May by Glee. I watched Sherlock. Amélie came at home and we watched some series and movies.

March 5th 2013

  • I finished to read The Perks Of Being A Wallflower. Amazing book ! I watched Gangster Squad, Psycho and Identity.

March 6th 2013

  • I began my Travel Notebook with memories of Paris 2012 while I was watching Anna Karenina : AARON JOHNSON marry me ! Portraits of Hunger Games - Catching Fire.

March 7th 2013

  • I lunched at Subway with Lucie. I bought things for my costume and a polaroid money-box. At home, I watched Shining, Moonrise Kingdom and Wreck-It Ralph. I made my costume. I watched Hotel Transylvania.

March 8th 2013

  • I watched Sherlock. James Franco on The Walk Of Fame. I watched Glee and Lovely Bones, Saving Private Ryan.

March 9th 2013

  • I watched Savages with Aaron Johnson. I ate cookies during the night because I was hungry. I watched Sherlock. I painted my costume. I watched Kung Fu Panda. My mother learnt me how do albums on iPhoto. I watched Indiana Jones.

March 10th 2013

  • I finished to watch Sherlock s01 and s02.

March 11th 2013

  • I watched My Week With Marilyn. I stayed on Tumblr and listened Disney songs and covers (Darren Criss).

March 12th 2013

  • I discovered that Anna Kendrick had a spiral plug in Pitch Perfect.

March 13th 2013

  • Amazing lunch at Cook'In Cafe with Marie, Auriane, Marion, Damien and Manon. We sang and talked about when we were young. And I ate a big delicious pizza. I watched Kick-Ass 2 trailer. I discovered Heroes by The Wallflowers and watched the 1rst episode of School Of Thrones.

March 14th 2013

  • Guitar lesson. I watched The Little Mermaid and did gifs.

March 15th 2013

  • I found my spiral plug. I watched James Bond - Moonraker and The Perks Of Being A Wallflower.

March 16th 2013

  • I went to Subway and at cinema to see_Oz - The Great And Powerful_. I watched A Very Potter Senior Year : OMFG, StarKids are the best people ever !

March 17th 2013

  • I watched Glee.

March 18th 2013

  • I watched Drive and listened Nightcall by Kavinsky. Noomi Rapace in Doom & Gloom clip by The Rolling Stones, oh yeaaah !

March 19th 2013

  • School year group photo today. I watched movies.

March 20th 2013

  • I watched Factory Girl.

March 21th 2013

  • Memories childhood with old albums photos. I did polaroid. Guitar lesson.

March 22th 2013

  • I put my spiral plug. I watched Glee.

March 23th 2013

  • Damien's 18 birthday party !

March 24th 2013

  • I watched The Good, The Bad & The Ugly.

March 25th 2013

  • Drawings of Nowhere Boy, Pikachu and Niggaz.

March 26th 2013

  • I rewatched The Breakfast Club.

March 27th 2013

  • Pictures of Aaron Johnson : kill me please ! New trailer of Kick-Ass 2.

March 28th 2013

  • Guitar lesson.

March 29th 2013

  • I watched Kick-Ass.

March 30th 2013

  • New lens for my CANON. Concert Skip The Use & Backstage Rodéo with Laurie.

March 31rst 2013

  • Easter day : chocolat. I watched some movies.
jun 29 2012 ∞
apr 7 2013 +