- Abbott {Hebrew, Aramaic} "father"
- Achilles {Greek} "thin-lipped"
- Adair {Scottish and Irish} "oak tree ford"
- Adam {Hebrew} "son of the red earth"
- Adler {German} "eagle"
- Adrian {Latin} "man of Adria"
- Aiden {Irish, variant of Aidan} "little and fiery"
- Alaric {German} "all-powerful ruler"
- Alasdair {Scottish variation of Alexander} "defending men"
- Alastair {Scottish} "defender of men"
- Alastor {Greek mythology} "avenger"
- Albert {German} "noble, bright"
- Albie {diminutive of Albert, Alban or Albus}
- Albus {Latin} "white, bright"
- Alcott {English} "dweller at the old cottage"
- Alden {Englsih} "old, wise friend"
- Aleksander {Russian variant of Alexander}
- Alexander {Greek} "defending men"
- Alexei {Russian, Greek} "defending men"
- Alfie {diminutive of Alfred, English} "wise counsellor"
- Alfonso {Spanish and Italian} "noble, ready"
- Alistair {English spelling of Alasdair, Scottish version of Alexander} "defending men"
- Allan {spelling variation of Alan} "handsome, cheerful"
- Allen {Celtic} "handsome, cheerful"
- Aloysius {Latin} "famous warrior"
- Altair {Arabic} "falcon"
- Amadeo {Italian} "lover of God"
- Amadeus {Latin} "lover of God"
- Andrei {Russian form of Andrew} "manly"
- Andrej {Russian form of Andrew} "manly"
- Angus {anglicized form of Aonghus or Aonghas, Gaelic} "one strength"
- Ansel {German} "with divine protection"
- Anselm {German} "with divine protection"
- Antony {Latin} "priceless"
- Apollo {Greek mythology name}
- Archer {English} "bowman"
- Archie {Teutonic, diminutive of Archibald} "truly brave"
- Aristotle {Greek} "superior"
- Arlo {Irish, English} "between two hills"
- Ash {diminutive of Asher, English} "ash tree"
- Asher {Hebrew} "fortunate, blessed, happy one"
- Ashton {English} "ash tree place"
- Aslan {Turkish} "lion"
- Astrophel {literary name} "star lover"
- Atlas {Greek mythology} "bearer of the heavens"
- Atticus {Latin} "from Attica"
- Auden {English} "old friend"
- Aurelius {Latin} "the golden one"
- Baker {English occupational surname}
- Banks {English surname} "one who lives on the hillside or riverbank"
- Barrett {German} "bear strength"
- Baxter {English occupational name} "baker"
- Beau {French} "handsome"
- Beck {English} "small stream"
- Beckett {English, Irish} "bee hive, little brook or bee cottage"
- Bellamy {English, Irish from French} "fine friend"
- Benjamin {Hebrew} "son of the right hand"
- Bennett {English, medieval form of Benedict} "blessed"
- BenoƮt {French} "blessed"
- Beowulf {Old English} "bee wolf"
- Bjorn {Swedish} "bear"
- Bowen {Welsh} "son of Owen"
- Bowie {Scottish} "blond"
- Bramble {nature name} "blackberry shrub"
- Brennan {Irish} "descendant of the sad one"
- Bridger {English} "lives near the bridge"
- Brooks {English} "of the brook"
- Bruno {German} "brown"
- Cadmus {Greek} "one who excels"
- Caldwell {English} "cold stream"
- Caleb {Hebrew} "devotion to God"
- Calixto {Greek} "beautiful"
- Callahan {Irish} "bright-headed"
- Callan {Gaelic} "descendant of Cathalan"
- Callum {Latin, Scottish form of Columba} "dove"
- Camden {Scottish} "winding valley"
- Cameron {Scottish surname} "crooked nose"
- Campbell {Scottish} "crooked mouth"
- Carlisle {English} "from the walled city"
- Casey {Irish} "brave in battle"
- Casper {Dutch form of Jasper, Persian}
- Caspian {place name} "white"
- Castor {Greek} "pious one"
- Cedric {Celtic} "bounty"
- Charlie {English, diminutive of Charles} "free man"
- Chester {Latin} "fortress, walled town"
- Cian {Irish} "ancient"
- Ciaran {Irish} "little dark one"
- Cillian {Irish} "war strife or church"
- Clancy {Irish} "red-haired warrior"
- Clarence {Latin} "bright"
- Clark {English} "scribe, secretary, cleric, scholar, clerk"
- Clarke {English, variation of Clark} "scribe, secretary, cleric, scholar, clerk"
- Claude {French from Latin} "lame; enclosure}
- Clement {Latin} "mild, merciful"
- Cole {English} "swarthy, coal black"
- Connor {Irish} "lover of hounds"
- Corentin {French, Breton} "tempest, hurricane"
- Corey {Irish} "from the hollow"
- Cormac {Irish} "charioteer"
- Damian {Greek} "to tame, subdue"
- Darcy {English from French, d'Arcy} "from Arcy"
- David {Hebrew} "beloved"
- Dean {English} "church official"
- Declan {Irish} "man of prayer"
- Dimitri {Russian from Greek Demetrius} "follower of Demeter"
- Dmitri {Russian from Greek Demetrius} "follower of Demeter"
- Dominic {Latin} "belonging to the lord"
- Draco {Greek from Latin} "dragon"
- Duncan {Scottish} "dark warrior"
- Dylan {Welsh} "son of the sea"
- Eddie {diminutive of Edward et al} "wealthy"
- Edmund {English} "fortunate protector"
- Elijah {Hebrew} "Yahweh is God"
- Elio {Italian, Spanish} "sun"
- Elliot {Anglicization of Elijah or Elias} "Jehovah is God"
- Ellis {Welsh} "benevolent"
- Elwood {English} "elder tree forest"
- Emmett {English masculine variation of Emma, German} "universal"
- Emrys {Welsh variation of Ambrose} "immortal"
- Evan {Welsh variation of John} "the Lord is gracious"
- Everett {English variation of the German Eberhard} "brave as a wild boar"
- Ezra {Hebrew} "help"
- Fabian {Latin clan name} "bean grower"
- Fairfax {English} "blond"
- Federico {Italian and Spanish variation of Frederick}
- Felix {Latin} "happy, fortunate"
- Fenn {English} "wetland, marsh"
- Fielder {English} "dweller in open country"
- Findlay {variation of Finlay} "fair-haired hero"
- Finlay {Irish and Scottish} "fair-haired hero"
- Finley {Irish, Scottish} "fair-haired hero"
- Finn {Irish} "fair or white"
- Finnegan {Irish} "fair"
- Fintan {Irish} "white fire or white bull"
- Fionn {Irish} "fair or white"
- Fitzwilliam {English} "son of William"
- Fletcher {English occupational} "arrow-maker}
- Florent {French from Latin} "flowering"
- Florian {Latin} "flowering"
- Florin {French and Romanian} "flower; flourishing"
- Forest {French occupational name} "woodsman or woods"
- Fox {animal name}
- Franklin {English} "free landholder"
- Fred {German, diminutive of Frederick and Alfred} "wise counselor"
- Freddie {diminutive of Frederick, German} "peaceful ruler"
- Frederic {French variation of Frederick, German} "peaceful ruler"
- Gabriel {Hebrew} "God is my strength"
- Galileo {Italian} "from Galilee"
- George {Greek} "farmer"
- Gideon {Hebrew} "hewer; or, having a stump for a hand"
- Glenn {Scottish} "valley"
- Graeme {Scottish variation of Graham} "gravelly homestead"
- Graham {Scottish} "gravelly homestead"
- Grant {Scottish from French} "large"
- Gregory {Greek} "vigilant, a watchman"
- Grey {colour name} "the son of the bailiff}
- Greyson {English} "son of the steward"
- Guillaume {French variation of William} "resolute protection"
- Gunnar {Scandinavian variation of Gunther} "bold warrior"
- Hadley {English} "heathery field"
- Harry {diminutive of Henry} "estate ruler"
- Hart {English} "stag"
- Hawthorn {spelling variation of Hawthorne} "lives where hawthorn hedges grow"
- Hawthorne {English} "lives where hawthorn hedges grow"
- Hayes {English surname and nature name} "hedged area"
- Heath {English} "the heathland dweller"
- Henley {English} "high meadow"
- Henri {French and Finnish variation of Henry, German} "estate ruler"
- Hermes {Greek mythology name} "the messenger god"
- Hollis {English} "near the holly bushes"
- Hugh {English from German} "mind, intellect"
- Hugo {Latinized form of Hugh} "mind, intellect"
- Ilias {Modern Greek form of Elias} "my God is Yahweh"
- Irving {Scottish} "green river, sea friend"
- Isaac {Hebrew} "laughter"
- Ivan {Russian variation of John} "God is gracious"
- Ives {English variation of Yves} "yew wood"
- Ivo {German} "yew wood, archer"
- Jack {English, diminutive of John} "God is gracious"
- James {Hebrew} "supplanter"
- Jamie {diminutive of James} "supplanter"
- Jasper {Persian} "bringer of treasure"
- Jay {Latin} "jaybird"
- Jeremy {English form of Jeremiah} "appointed by God"
- Jesse {Hebrew} "gift"
- Joel {Hebrew} "Jehovah is his God"
- Johannes {German, Dutch, Scandinavian and Estonian variation of John} "God is gracious"
- John {Hebrew} "God is gracious"
- Jordan {Hebrew} "flowing down"
- Joseph {Hebrew} "Jehovah increases"
- Juan {Spanish and Manx variation of John} "the Lord is gracious"
- Jude {Latin diminutive of Judah} "praised}
- Julian {English from Latin, variation of Julius} "youthful, downy-bearded, or sky father"
- Kai {Hawaiian} "sea"
- Kane {Celtic} "warrior"
- Keaton {English} "shed town"
- Keats {English literary name} "kite"
- Kent {English surname and place name} "edge"
- Kieran {Irish} "little dark one"
- Killian {Irish} "church"
- Kirk {Norse} "church"
- Kit {English, diminutive of Christopher} "follower of Christ"
- Kitto {Cornish diminutive of Christopher}
- Knox {Scottish} "round hill"
- Kyle {Scottish} "narrow spit of land"
- Kylian {spelling variation of Killian or Cillian, Irish} "war or strife"
- Lane {English} "a small roadway or path"
- Laszlo {Hungarian} "glorious ruler"
- Laurence {English from Latin} "from Laurentum"
- Laurent {French variation of Lawrence} "of Laurentium"
- Leander {Greek} "lion-man"
- Lee {English} "pasture, meadow"
- Leif {Scandinavian} "heir, descendant"
- Leigh {variation of Farley} "fern clearing"
- Leland {English} "meadow land"
- Lennon {Irish} "lover"
- Lennox {Scottish} "elm grove"
- Leo {Latin} "lion"
- Leon {Greek variation of Leo} "lion"
- Levi {Hebrew} "joined, attached"
- Lewis {English variation of Louis} "renowned warrior"
- Liam {Irish short form of William} "resolute protection"
- Linden {English tree name} "linden tree hill"
- Lloyd {Welsh} "gray"
- Louis {German, French} "renowned warrior"
- Lowell {French} "young wolf"
- Luan {Portuguese, Albanian, Vietnamese or Gaelic} "moon; lion; justice, ethics; hound, warrior"
- Luc {French} "man from Lucania"
- Luca {Italian variation of Luke and Lucas} "man from Lucania"
- Lucas {Latin form of Luke} "man from Lucania"
- Luis {French and German variation of Louis} "renowned warrior"
- Luke {Greek} "man from Lucania"
- Lyall {Scottish from Old Norse} "wolf"
- Lyle {Scottish and English from French} "someone who lives on an island"
- Maciej {Polish form of Matthias} "gift of God"
- Mack {Scottish, Irish} "son of"
- Mackenzie {Scottish} "son of Kenneth"
- Madden {Irish} "little dog"
- Maddox {Welsh} "son of Madoc"
- Marc {French, Welsh and Catalan variation of Mark} "warlike"
- Marcel {French variation of Marcellus} "little warrior"
- Marco {Italian and Spanish form of Mark} "warlike"
- Mars {Roman mythology god of war}
- Martin {Latin} "warlike"
- Mateo {Spanish} "gift of God"
- Mathias {spelling variation of Mattias} "gift of God"
- Matthew {Hebrew} "gift of God"
- Max {English and German diminutive of Maximilian or Maxwell} "greatest"
- Maxence {French form of Latin Maximus} "greatest"
- Maxfield {English} "Mac's field"
- Maximilian {Latin} "greatest"
- Maxwell {Scottish} "great stream"
- Mercer {French occupational name} "a merchant"
- Merritt {English surname} "boundary gate"
- Micah {Hebrew} "who is like the Lord"
- Michael {Hebrew} "who is like God"
- Michelangelo {combination of Michael and Angelo}
- Mikhail {Russian variation of Michael} "who is like God"
- Miles {English form of Milo} "soldier or merciful"
- Miller {English occupational name} "grinder of grain"
- Mitchell {English variation of Michael} "who is like God"
- Monroe {Scottish} "mouth of the Roe river"
- Montgomery {Norman} "man power"
- Morgan {Welsh} "sea-born, sea-song or sea-circle"
- Murphy {Irish} "sea warrior"
- Murray {Scottish} "settlement by the sea"
- Nash {English} "by the ash tree"
- Nathaniel {Hebrew} "gift of God"
- Neil {Irish} "cloud"
- Nelson {English} "son of Neil}
- Neptune {Roman god of the sea, freshwater springs, and horses}
- Newt {English} "a small salamander"
- Newton {English} "new town"
- Niall {Irish} "cloud"
- Nicholas {Greek} "people of victory"
- Nico {Italian diminutive of Nicholas, Greek} "people of victory"
- Nicodemus {Greek} "victory of the people"
- Nicolas {spelling variation of Nicholas} "people of victory"
- Nikita {Russian cognate of Greek Aniketos} "unconquered"
- Nikolai {Russian variation of Nicholas} "people of victory"
- Nikolaj {Danish and Slovene form of Nicholas} "people of victory"
- Noah {Hebrew} "rest, repose"
- Noctis {Latin} "of the night"
- Noel {French} "Christmas"
- Oakley {English} "oak wood or clearing"
- Oliver {Latin} "olive tree"
- Olivier {French} "olive tree"
- Ollie {diminutive of Oliver} "olive tree"
- Orion {Greek mythology name}
- Orpheus {Greek mythology name} "the darkness of the night"
- Orson {Latin and English} "bear cub"
- Oscar {English or Irish} "God spear, or deer-lover or champion warrior"
- Oskar {German variation of Oscar} "God spear, or deer-lover or champion warrior"
- Otto {German} "wealthy"
- Owen {Welsh} "young warrior; well-born}
- Pablo {Spanish variation of Paul} "small"
- Paolo {Italian variation of Paul} "small"
- Pascoe {Cornish variation of Pascal} "Easter"
- Pasha {Russian diminutive of Pavel} "small"
- Patrick {Latin} "noble, patrician"
- Paul {Latin} "small"
- Pavel {Russian variation of Paul} "small"
- Penrose {Cornish and Welsh place name and surname} "top of the heath"
- Percy {French surname from place name Perci-en-Auge} "one who pierces the valley"
- Peregrine {Latin} "traveller, pilgrim"
- Peter {Greek} "rock"
- Peyton {English} "fighting-man's estate"
- Pierce {English} "son of Piers"
- Piers {Greek} "rock"
- Pip {English diminutive of Philip} "lover of horses"
- Poe {English} "peacock"
- Pollux {Greek} "crown"
- Ptolemy {Greek} "aggressive, warlike"
- Quentin {Latin} "fifth"
- Quincy {French} "estate of the fifth son"
- Quinn {Irish} "descendant of Conn, chief leader, intelligence"
- Rafa {short form of Rafael} "God has healed"
- Rafael {Spanish variation of Raphael} "God has healed"
- Ramsey {English} "low-lying land"
- Raoul {French variation of Ralph} "wolf-counsel"
- Raphael {Hebrew} "God has healed"
- Rasmus {Finnish and Scandinavian variation of Erasmus} "beloved, desired"
- Reid
- Remington
- Remus
- Remy {French from Latin} "oarsman"
- Reuben {Hebrew} "behold, a son"
- Rhodes
- Rhys {Welsh} "ardour"
- Riley {Irish} "courageous"
- Riordan
- River {nature name}
- Robbie
- Robert
- Roberto
- Robin {bird name or English diminutive of Robert} "bright fame"
- Roger
- Roman
- Romeo
- Romulus
- Ronan {Irish} "little seal"
- Rory {Irish} "red king"
- Roscoe
- Ross
- Rowan {Scottish, Irish} "rowan tree; little redhead"
- Ruben
- Russell
- Ryan {Irish} "little king"
- Sam
- Sanders
- Santiago
- Sasha {Russian diminutive of Alexander, Greek} "defending men"
- Sawyer
- Scott
- Seamus
- Sebastian {Latin from Greek} "person from ancient city of Sebastia"
- Sebastien
- Shepherd
- Sholto {Scottish from Gaelic} "sower"
- Simon {Hebrew} "the listener"
- Sirius
- Soren
- Spencer
- Stanley {English} "near the stony clearing"
- Stephen
- Sterling
- Szymon
- Tadej {Slovene form of Thaddeus} "heart"
- Tadeusz
- Tadhg
- Tate
- Teddy
- Thatcher {English occupational name} "roof thatcher"
- Theo
- Theodore {Greek} "gift of God"
- Thiago
- Thomas {Aramaic} "twin"
- Thorne
- Tiernan
- Timothy {Greek} "honouring God"
- Tobias {Greek from Hebrew} "God is good"
- Toby {diminutive of Tobias} "God is good"
- Tomas
- Tomasz
- Tucker
- Turner
- Ty
- Ugo
- Ulysses
- Valentine {Latin} "strength, health"
- Vance
- Vaughan
- Victor {Latin} "conqueror"
- Viktor
- Vince
- Vincent {Latin} "conquering"
- Vincenzo
- Wade {English} "at the river crossing"
- Wells {surname from place name} "spring"
- Wesley {English} "western meadow"
- Wilde {English surname} "wild"
- Wilder {surname or word name}
- Wilkie {Scottish surname from a diminutive of William} "resolute protection"
- Will {diminutive of William} "resolute protector"
- William {English from German} "resolute protection"
- Willoughby {English} "farm near the willows"
- Winslow {English} "friend's hill or burial mound"
- Wolf {German} "wolf"
- Wolfe {Anglo-Irish surname and variant of animal name} "wolf"
- Wolfgang {German} "traveling wolf"
- Wren {English} "small bird"
- Wulfric {English} "wolf power"
- Xavier {Basque} "new house"
- Yeats {English} "the gates"
- Yves {French} "yew wood"
- Zdenek {Czech} "build, create"
- Zeus {Greek mythology name}
may 1 2022 ∞
oct 23 2022 +