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Nako was once a very important centre of Buddhism in the region. There are at least seven temples of different periods distributed all over the village, including a monastic complex on its western edge. Boasting four temples and a number of additional buildings, this complex preserves the earliest artistic heritage. The austere and unornamented exteriors of the buildings give little hint of the im...

lisa I LOVE
music (memories)
autobio (my epitaphs)
  • Nacho Libre
  • Snakes On A Plane
  • The Omen <-- saw it. the evil kid is kind of HILARIOUS.
  • Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift <--- saw it. "tokyo drift" is now part of my vernacular.
  • DaVinci Code
  • Talledegan Nights
jun 7 2006 ∞
jul 24 2006 +