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ich will meine Träume nicht nur träumen ich will sie auch erleben!

I live in my own world. Not everyone understands it, sorry.
I love to live my dreams and I do that all the time.
Addicted to musicals, german language, parfumes, tea & bags.

a ~ notes (favourites 2024)
travel (current daydreams)
IBelieveInPen... television (Episodes watched in 2024)
books (read in 2024)
Books and Movies (new in 2024)
list icon
  • musicals
  • hinterm horizont
  • chocolate
  • music
  • gigs
  • mountains
  • vienna
  • berlin
  • tea
  • smell of petrol (strange, i know)
  • smell of just painted stuff
  • mein ding moment <3
  • when you meet someone for the first time in your life, but you have the feeling, like if you have known each other for many years
  • pancakes
  • snow
  • skiing
  • meeting friends
  • preparing surprises
  • travelling
  • driving my car
  • my car <3
  • watching a musical live (these feelings, emotions...aaah!)
  • the smell of the stage / theater just before the show begins... especially, when you're sitting in the first row.. it's... aaahhhh!
  • dream teams
  • doing spontanous things
  • watching football matches with my mum
  • playing tabu! :D
  • my room
  • my LV's
  • my lilou's
  • emu shoes
  • starbucks
  • pizza hut am potsdamer platz
  • vanilla latte from starbucks
  • christmas time
  • my coco parfume water
  • changing the colour of my nails
  • the weather like that... i mean... summer/autumn...
  • balea!
  • green tea!
  • matt bomer <3333333333 (FANGIRL)
  • white collar
  • glee
sep 8 2012 ∞
mar 20 2013 +