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ich will meine Träume nicht nur träumen ich will sie auch erleben!

I live in my own world. Not everyone understands it, sorry.
I love to live my dreams and I do that all the time.
Addicted to musicals, german language, parfumes, tea & bags.

a ~ notes (substack + other reads / favourites)
wishlist (random stuff)
IBelieveInPen... Books and Movies (New in 2025)
books (Upcoming releases in 2025)
television (What I want to watch in 2025)
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  • i've bought 2 such beautiful bags <3 and my own LV <3 actually even 2... <3
  • fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! I AM GOING TO BERLIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After 8 months of waiting! so fucking happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Serkan remembered us. After 8 months. After 2minutes talk 8 months ago. speechless.
  • how I love that show... omfg, how i love it.
  • oh man, what was that?!?!?! O.o it cannot be true!!!
  • ooommm.! Berlin was too perfect to be true. Actually, I still cannot believe it! <3 Starting with the weather, ending with every show and SD... TOO PERFECT! marvelous!<3
  • need to come to Berlin with Lea. this year. just... must make it up.
  • ooooowww, need to come back to berlin. this year. then at the beginnig of next and one more time and again, again... fuck, how will i earn it?!
  • alone at home for a week... peace. silent.
  • for the first time i hate my friend. foreig people are more important for her than me. what colour of bransolet should i buy..? she hasn't even asked how it was in berlin, although she knew how important it was for me... i really hate her at that moment, and hate myself for that.
  • my parents are coming back tomorrow.. actually, today... miss them so much!
  • i think, i've slept too long.
  • ooohhh... am i really envious?! :/
  • parents at home. again <3 so funny!
  • wow, it's 2 weeks since Berlin... wow. the time runs so fast...
  • knee operation. I know I should do it, but i'm afraid...
  • keith richards in pirates! <3 <3 i've already forgotten, how much i love him in that film! <3 <3
  • OMG! JCS!!!!! eventually!!!!
  • don't let me fall in love with him. Or maybe...?
  • "oh, just go to berlin. It's now or never. I'm for!" --> my mom. LOVE!!!!! :D
  • that was shit.
  • ohhhmm.... !!!! Chris is leaving HiHo... And who is going now to play with cornflakes?! :( just sad.. :( but he's starting sth new! hopefully in Berlin!!!
  • can somebody please make "the ninth gate" musical?
  • the deal.
  • usos. hate.
sep 8 2012 ∞
jan 4 2013 +