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ich will meine Träume nicht nur träumen ich will sie auch erleben!

I live in my own world. Not everyone understands it, sorry.
I love to live my dreams and I do that all the time.
Addicted to musicals, german language, parfumes, tea & bags.

a ~ notes (substack + other reads / favourites)
wishlist (random stuff)
IBelieveInPen... Books and Movies (New in 2025)
books (Upcoming releases in 2025)
television (What I want to watch in 2025)
  • aaawww!!! <3 just... feel good! :)
  • shitty mood. hate such a rollercoaster!
  • refreshing an old contact... that's so great and meaningful for me...
  • have new glasses <3 absolutely, love them! <3
  • I'm impressed of Matt & Tatum's atittude to fans... it's... unbelievable. speechless.
  • 16.11 - this day is going to be strange :D but I really like it! in the evening my birthday party!!!! <3
  • fuck u. hate him.
  • the gifts were... AMAZING!!! :D the party... a little bit shitty, because of P. :/
  • Kuba concert in 4 hours! <3 and Pia! don't have to go to Germany to see her.. that's quite.. unusual :)
  • that was.... O.o I don't find any words... when is the next concert? :3
nov 1 2012 ∞
jan 4 2013 +