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  • concert partner
  • encourages me to break the mold and be independent/different
  • helps me with work-related items. his opinions and ideas are seriously valuable
  • overwhelmingly patient
  • several mutual interests that we bond over
  • visibly enjoys quality family time


  • brutal honesty
  • does small favours for her family that make things easier/smoother, without being asked
  • gym partner
  • has the heartiest laughing fits; seeing her in that state makes me happy
  • most wonderful chef
  • pushes me to change/develop myself in weaker areas; pushes me when i lose focus
  • the one person who tells me when i'm bad/wrong so i can better myself


  • how evidently in love they are with one another
  • how they work as a team to support and better us (me +dweebs)
  • their small bits of quality time (date nights, TV series, [...])
sep 12 2017 ∞
dec 3 2017 +