
  • consistent ability to light up the room
  • repeats old stories as if you've never heard them before
  • bakes delicious pies
  • very friendly and chatty
  • her and zaidy consistently interrupt each other, which is adorable but also annoying at times


  • passionate about a select number of things, such as politics, family, economics
  • incredible knowledge with regards to the holocaust
    • engaging holocaust speaker, with a touching personal story
  • gives wet kisses (which I do my best to avoid)
  • when he lived in Saskatchewan and the family visited, we went fishing together


  • beautiful smile
  • makes the most delicious friday night dinners (#1 chicken soup)
  • her calls with mom (nu, beseder, ok)
  • very understanding woman and gives us just the right amount of space


  • dancing in the basement of his old house, with saba acting as the DJ
  • testing out his automated casino games
  • breaking bad obsession
  • he has the cutest laugh (quiet, very genuine)
  • the way he says "oh my god"
aug 20 2014 ∞
aug 20 2014 +