• abnormal: this branch of psychology tries to describe, assess, predict and control those categories of behaviours which are considered as unusual and non-normative. It also deals with various categories of psychological disorders which affect the mental health of the individual. It assesses abnormality in the individual through psycho-diagnostic tools and suggests problem specific treatment.
  • cognitive: it deals with the acquisition, storage, transformation and application of information the individual uses to understand and interpret events happening around him/her.
  • clinical&counseling: clinical psychology is primarily concerned with diagnosis and treatment of various psychological disorders. A clinical psychologist is trained in psychotherapeutic techniques which are used to treat people suffering from psychological disorders. They are employed in hospitals and clinics dealing with mental health problems. The counseling psychologist deals with mild problems pertaining to adjustment in social and emotional life and provides specialised services to deal with marital problems, stress oriented problems, and career choice.
  • educational: this field of psychology is mainly concerned with academic performance. It studies the role of various factors which influence learning processes in a classroom setting. It focuses on assessing the aptitude, skills and intellectual potential of the students and evaluating their performance. An educational psychologist also helps students to overcome learning difficulties.
  • environmental: this field is concerned with the study of the interaction between physical environment and human behaviour. It studies the impact of noise, heat, humidity, pollution, and crowding on human performance It also focuses on the impact of physical environment on the psychological health of individuals.
  • health: this field focuses on the impact of various psychological factors (e.g. stress) on the onset progress and treatment of illness. It also deals with various lifestyle diseases such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
  • organisational: this field is concerned with application principles and models to study the selection and performance of employees in organisational settings. It also studies the concepts of leadership, motivation, job satisfaction, and performance appraisal.
  • developmental: this field is concerned with the study of various physical and psychological factors which influence the systematic changes the individual experiences across the different stages of life.
  • emerging fields: in addition to the fields mentioned above a new of new areas have emerged. Some of these are sports, military, aviation, forensic, peace, neuro, political, feminist, positive.
aug 24 2017 ∞
nov 18 2017 +