- a tv-show: gilmore girls
- a book: Special Topics In Calamity Physics (it's a novel)
- a character: amelie poulain
- a city: london
- a colour: light green
- a direction: west
- a face expression: sympathetic/emphatitic
- a feeling: excited
- a flower: forget-me-not
- a fruit: strawberry
- a furniture: sofa
- a hobby: drawing
- a liquid: paint/ink
- a month: march
- a movie: 500 days of summer (I can't help it)
- a musical instrument: piano
- a music type: folk (or indie)
- an animal: a fish (really.)
- an artist:
- in art: elisabeth louise vigée le brun (or definitely norman rockwell)
- in music: i hope something like charlotte gainsbourg
- a natural element: water
- an object: teacup
- a number: 7
- a part of the body: the hands
• a perfume: chanel eau fraiche
• a piece of clothing: a dress
• a planet: earth
• a season: winter
• a sentence: Als je kijkt naar wat je niet hebt, vergeet je wat je wel hebt
• a sin: pride
• a smell: morning smell
• a song: there are too many.
• a sound: pencil on paper
• a stone: aquamarine
• a taste: sweet
• a tree: weeping willow
• a vegetable: tomato
• a verb: to talk
• a word: creative