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  • Go to London. Go to England. And buy a lot of great stuff you can only buy in England, drink English Breakfast Tea in England, talk English in England!
  • Go 10 times to very cool, great concerts alone or with a friend/friends. Hopefully that will happen soon, I reaaaally want to go to.. well, almost everything (everything exept Rihanna and Britney Spears, if you know what I mean)
  • Go to Limburg by bycicle, and back. My legs will probably hurt like hell afterwards, but it's something that has to be done.
  • Participate in the 'nieuwjaarsduik', most people I know already have done it. Cold but fun, I guess.
  • Make my own comic, with my own superhero's and everything. Draw it, color it, make it into a comic book.
  • I have to try; bake 10 cakes on one day! Different cakes, if's that possible. If I'll have the money to buy all the different ingredients. I have two years so that will, hopefully, not be a problem.. :p
oct 19 2009 ∞
nov 1 2009 +