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  • Alone people don't like to hear about the together people, ok, even if the alone people are alone by choice, it's sort of mean, it's sort of like bringing a six pack to an AA meeting (callie)
  • God got a virgin pregant by magic. He's not playing by the rules. (izzy)
  • I had the biggest darn emergency that exists today, and it was fun for about a minute, because the woman almost died, but then we saved her! (christina)
  • I have good hands. They're fast. They're dextrous. They were made to throw ties, and do complex procedures. These hands were made for surgery. Today they should have been removing a penis. (christina)
  • All you people ever think about is how to get into someones pants. You're nasty. (bailey)
  • We're adults. When did that happen? And how do we make it stop? (meredith)
  • It's a beautiful day to save lives. Let's have some fun. (derek)
  • What kind of situation? Fire? Flood? Volcano? Because I'm not really dressed for a volcano. (izzy)
  • It's called thinking. Go with it. (george)
  • ... in the beginning God created the heaven and the Earth, at least that's what they say, he created the birds of the air and the bees of the fields, and he looked at his creation and he saw that it was good, and then God created Man, and its been downhill ever since (bailey)
oct 27 2009 ∞
nov 9 2009 +