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we can..

  • go to mockamore and drink frappiato's like crazy, because cold coffee is delicious and we both have a shitload of money to spend, because of the fact that we work too much too often
  • because of the ridiculous amount of money we own, go shop 'till we drop in a city that's NOT rotterdam? i travel almost free by train anyways
  • pick a nice summer festival to visit (in holland) and act like music-obsessed people (which we kinda already are) all day long
  • go and rent some really great movies we've been wanting to see for ages, and which we've been talking about for ages
  • go to the beach and sunbathe all day long, read books, eat icecream, swim, talk talk talk -about boys and other things we talk about when we talk
  • have a bake-in day! search for recipes or just buy those almost-done-just-put-some-water-with-it stuff and bake cakes and scones and muffins and cookies
  • or we could have a picknick
jun 28 2010 ∞
jan 31 2012 +