- birthday ▸ March 25th
- location ▸ Chicago
- denomination ▸ Catholic
- gender pronouns ▸ she/her
- personality ▸ INFP, the mediator*
- hogwarts house ▸ Slytherin
- season ▸ spring
- fruit ▸ honeydew
- veggie ▸ broccoli
- coffee ▸ extra cream, with hazelnut syrup
- espresso ▸ cafe latte
- tea ▸ white (cherry blossom, Buddha's blend)
- liked foods ▸ bagels, chicken
- disliked food ▸ pickles
- hobbies ▸ journaling, biking, photography, mobile videogames, adoring strangers' dogs
jul 2 2013 ∞
feb 8 2019 +