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 microblogging at its finest  ✧

lisa SONGS
a ~ travel (current daydreams)
shug avery twenty 20 five. (five things.)

my best attempt at cohesively bridging the gap and preserving what happened happened during my five months way from listography

[write five(ish) things • people's names, places, emotions, film titles, song titles, bands... anything that sums up your day • do this each day on listography • copy and paste this so others know what this list is about]

j u l y

  • 07/31 Tue
  • 07/30 Mon
  • 07/29 Sun
  • 07/28 Sat
  • 07/27 Fri
  • 07/26 Thu
  • 07/25 Wed
  • 07/24 Tue
  • 07/23 Mon
  • 07/22 Sun → Ma's birthday ○
  • 07/21 Sat
  • 07/20 Fri
  • 07/19 Thu → Dad's birthday ○
  • 07/18 Wed
  • 07/17 Tue
  • 07/16 Mon
  • 07/15 Sun
  • 07/14 Sat
  • 07/13 Fri
  • 07/12 Thu
  • 07/11 Wed
  • 07/10 Tue
  • 07/09 Mon → 『 AX: Day -364 』 ○
  • 07/08 Sun → 『 AX: Day 4 』 ○
  • 07/07 Sat → 『 AX: Day 3 』 ○
  • 07/06 Fri → 『 AX: Day 2 』 ○
  • 07/05 Thu → 『 AX: Day 1 』 ○
  • 07/04 Wed → 『 AX: Day 0 』 ○
  • 07/03 Tue → 『 AX: Day -1 』 ○ who even designs parking garages
  • 07/02 Mon → yes, "I respect your partner" is exactly what I wanted to hear, but the rest of the message, wtf, I'm shook ○
  • 07/01 Sun → Aqours 3rd Live DV ○ Korean Barbecue in Chinatown (and staying until the restaurant closed, ahhah)

j u n e

  • 06/30 Sat
  • 06/29 Fri
  • 06/28 Thu
  • 06/27 Wed
  • 06/26 Tue
  • 06/25 Mon
  • 06/24 Sun → pre-AX karaoke at Round 1 ○ ofc the girl who *looks* like she'd be into LL! totally *is* a girl who's into LL! ○ in the words of Judge Judy, "don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining"
  • 06/23 Sat
  • 06/22 Fri
  • 06/21 Thu → I pulled for Mariam and!! got her a good card!! she cried, I laughed
  • 06/20 Wed
  • 06/19 Tue
  • 06/18 Mon
  • 06/17 Sun → Father's Day
  • 06/16 Sat → Larvitar Community Day ○ "Bro, is now a good time to evolve my Larvitar" and he freaks out ○ Casanova Cafe
  • 06/15 Fri
  • 06/14 Thu
  • 06/13 Wed
  • 06/12 Tue
  • 06/11 Mon
  • 06/10 Sun
  • 06/09 Sat
  • 06/08 Fri
  • 06/07 Thu
  • 06/06 Wed
  • 06/05 Tue
  • 06/04 Mon
  • 06/03 Sun → Eric's Birthday!
  • 06/02 Sat
  • 06/01 Fri

m a y

  • 05/31 Thu
  • 05/30 Wed
  • 05/29 Tue
  • 05/28 Mon
  • 05/27 Sun
  • 05/26 Sat
  • 05/25 Fri → doctor's appointment at 2:30pm ○ the car broke down and we had to get it towed ○ ate Mexican food for dinner (not the restaurant we had in mind for Ma & Dad's 27th anniversary dinner, but still ate out~)
  • 05/24 Thu
  • 05/23 Wed → it was a Veteran's Day party(?) for sure, but it was certainly Lilia's birthday party ○ my phone couldn't record their funky dance, darn
  • 05/22 Tue → apparently there was a "family emergency" yesterday? and the coffee shop closed for the evening?? Hilda was worried about me ○ started training Ashlee and she's already my new favorite! ○ first day volunteering at the hospital
  • 05/21 Mon
  • 05/20 Sun → 『 ACen Day 3~』 I'm so glad I attended JMAC's college anime club panel, I had such a good time as an alum ○ I made a grown man cry but I'm taking the motto of "bro's before hoes" to heart (that is, I walked away from the scene of the crime with Mayra, and together we ran into Dylan) ○ I think the hotel attendant recognized me from previous years. I always tip that gentleman a few bucks every year ○ left the con center at 4pm, and made it in time for the 6pm Mass for Pentecost ○ "the fire now burns in your hearts"
  • 05/19 Sat → 『 ACen Day 2~』 arrived 15ish minutes late to the Fate photoshoot, but got a good picture of myself with other Camelot servants, so that was fun ○ "isn't PoGO Community Day starting soon?" excuse me, that's none of your business ○ walked for 2.5 hours with other PoGO players for Charmander Community Day ○ got asked to take photos of a Fate:Extella group mid-PoGO run, that was neat ○ changed into localization-safe attire for the Aniplex photoshoot ○ Bacci's pizza in Christian's hotel room ○ I think I crushed a guy's heart?? he asked me "what I was doing afterwards" and I said "well, I haven't seen my partner all day, so I'm gonna hang out with him" and he got flustered but also, I could've been imagining it
  • 05/18 Fri → 『 ACen Day 1~』ordered two Subway footlongs for sustenance this weekend ○ Eric and Mark looked to professional with their walkie talkies ○ saw Luke patrolling the Mendez autograph line; I already have her autograph, I only wanted a picture with JMAC's 2017 Voice Actress ○ it's cool how people don't recognize me, whatsoever (actually, it's not cool) ○ waited in line for almost 2 hours for Joel's autograph ticket, missing the JMAC photoshoot ○ Type Moon After Dark, except with Eric doing his chaperone duties and I had to tidy up the room as the hostess
  • 05/17 Thu → *mic drop* my weekend begins ○ spent the afternoon with Joel, picking up our badges and having dinner at Mitsuwa
  • 05/16 Wed → 7 transactions; $10.11 earned in tips. you do the math.
  • 05/15 Tue → closed up the coffee shop, and gave away tamales to 20+ customers for free (because they were expiring at the end of the day)
  • 05/14 Mon → instead of "how long can I ignore this message (answer: for perpetuity)" ask myself instead: "how quickly can I respond to this message? (answer: 1 hour? 30 minutes? 5 minutes" and can I set a new record? ○ rain delay edition because never should I throw out trash during a lightning storm, but I did it for Hilda
  • 05/13 Sun → Mother's Day ○ Ma visited Titi Martha, and dropped me off at the LL! DV ("it's a concert, but it's recorded and screened a movie theater) ○ Mark was rather startled seeing me there, hahhh ○ I was the only attendee at an Aqours DV with a μ's nesoberi, awkward
  • 05/12 Sat → $15.02 made in tips this morning, noice ○ finally allowing myself to get excited for ACen, made a list of my agenda for the weekend (and also, what to wear)
  • 05/11 Fri → watched the episodes of LLSS in prep for the weekend ○ finally bought my ticket for the LL! DV ○ Donna might be a non-denominational Christian, but I truly believe that God is with Donna and that Donna is with God
  • 05/10 Thu → Bro drove me to the nail salon and I bought a gift certificate for Ma for Mother's Day ○ Donna is on my side because it's been two weeks since I've gotten paid
  • 05/09 Wed → teacher appreciation day at the coffee shop means a measly $1 discount
  • 05/08 Tue → finished planting in the garden! ○ hard at work, or hardly working? ○ the blue lives matter woman set up her pop-up shop again today
  • 05/07 Mon → Ma swung by the coffee shop and gave me a notebook as a present :)
  • 05/06 Sun → I ain't doing no 50's dance for veterans
  • 05/05 Satthe long-awaited trip to HOME DEPOT
  • 05/04 Fri → got my driver's permit! I only got two questions wrong out of the 30 I got to answer before hitting the baseline 28 needed to pass (there were 36 questions total)
  • 05/03 Thu → the blue lives matter people came in today and I was but a stranger in a foreign land
  • 05/02 Wed → picked up lab results from the clinic ○ a microburst interrupted my meeting with The Owners (in which they accuse me of stealing money) ○ what's the point of being a "manager" when I don't have access to the code for the safe ○ have I mentioned how I'm so done here
  • 05/01 Tue → joined a discord server for Illinois Love Live fans and no one knows who I am, h elp (at least i know Mark but i dont think he knows its me)

a p r i l

  • 04/30 Mon
  • 04/29 Sun
  • 04/28 Sat
  • 04/27 Fri
  • 04/26 Thu
  • 04/25 Wed → AQOURS IS COMING TO AMERICA, OMG ○ hospital volunteer orientation
  • 04/24 Tue
  • 04/23 Mon
  • 04/22 Sun
  • 04/21 Sat
  • 04/20 Fri
  • 04/19 Thu → Aqours is having a delayed viewing?? in Chicago??
  • 04/18 Wed
  • 04/17 Tue
  • 04/16 Mon
  • 04/15 Sun
  • 04/14 Sat
  • 04/13 Fri
  • 04/12 Thu
  • 04/11 Wed
  • 04/10 Tue
  • 04/09 Mon → so the sandwich fridge is actually used for sandwiches now ○ rearranged the bulletin board; always keep busy
  • 04/08 Sun → I attended church again, yyay I have an attendance streak now ○ this wasn't a "coffee shop meeting," but the start of The Owner's campaign for political office?? what the actual wtf ○ got to spend the last two hours of C2E2 with Christian, Marcus, Joel, Nebraska Matt and Eric ○ had dinner at Ricobene's on 26th
  • 04/07 Sat → more pizza for Bro's birthday
  • 04/06 Fri → C2E2 with Christian and Joel! or at least, for a part of the day ○ relieved Anthony from working from 8am-5pm, apparently ○ only 2 customers: a guy, face-timing his wife over pastries and Broski
  • 04/05 Thu → Broski's birthday; he was supposed to get his license but he forgot his insurance card, so he was feeling down for most of the morning ○ went out with him for Coalfire Pizza, and walked around for Pokemon ○ I'm not picking up the phone, I'm not scheduled to work until Monday, this isn't my responsibility
  • 04/04 Wed → hyper organized the storage room (because, y'know, no one came in between 5:30-6:30pm) ○ Eric stayed with me until I closed the shop
  • 04/03 Tue → a rainy start to the day ○ saw Love, Simon
  • 04/02 Mon → threw away a bunch of food that expired over the weekend
  • 04/01 Sun → Easter Day ○ went to my home church for the first time, umm, in 2-3ish years? ○ walked around the neighborhood for a Eggexcutor and Magikarp raids ○ submitted an application to volunteer at a hospital ○ Jesus Christ Superstar - Live on television!

m a r c h

  • 03/31 Sat → Eric bought me a PoGO plus! (Targer run & done~) ○ got boba tea downtown together
  • 03/30 Fri → like the other days, minus Deb, plus The Family, and plus that FB livestreamer ○ I'm just don e ○ saw Isle of Dogs with college pals
  • 03/29 Thu → the grammar school had a half day and Joe and Deb s a v e d m e ○ managers actually get tips now? yay.
  • 03/28 Wed → Joe and Emily walked and delivered business cards around the neighborhood
  • 03/27 Tue → opened in the morning with Deb, and it couldn't have gone any more smoothly ○ the owner actually entered "his own" business (suit and tie) while his wife entered through the backdoor... all this beef
  • 03/26 Mon → tfw an old man actually... insults me... ○ I was called "the nice lady" and it made my day
  • 03/25 Sun → my birthday! ○ downtown La Grange for breakfast ○ Bulbasaur Community Day
  • 03/24 Sat → Chinatown with Ma! ○ she bought a bamboo plant for the kitchen
  • 03/23 Fri → people's moods change 110% on Fridays, it's quite something
  • 03/22 Thu → Crystal from grammar school stopped by! it's been 10 years ○ iPhone group chat?? I, as a manager, feel bamboozled
  • 03/21 Wed → told the owners how it's nice they're actually here for once ○ Taylor's work ethic inspires me to be a better worker, honestly ○ signed Sherry's sympathy card, we've had that "remembering your cat" card for a while now
  • 03/20 Tue → Spring begins! ○ Illinois primary day, voted before work ○ JOE came in for the SAVE (me from grammar school boys) ○ gonna start an "emotionals club" with Nicole; our slogan: "we cry on Tuesdays"
  • 03/19 Mon → went downtown, finally caught a shiny Lugia ○ "new appliances came today!" umm, they're new to us ○ "Julian is done, he doesn't work here anymore" *1hr later* I'm training Julian
  • 03/18 Sun → visited Titi Martha at her nursing home
  • 03/17 Sat → St Patrick's Day ○ walmart with Ma ○ haircut at Elena's
  • 03/16 Fri → the public cannot use the washrooms... after yesterday's reprimand, I got kinda strict with an old man
  • 03/15 Thu → Destiny got fired?? the coffee shop's been open for less than 2 weeks, this is irrational ○ the espresso machine broke?? why?? ~prayers~
  • 03/14 Wed → saw the Free! movie in theaters, brought back a lot of 2013 college nostalgia
  • 03/13 Tue → beautiful from the inside, but COLD on the outside! ○ met a really chatty customer named Vince ○ called Jasmine, rescheduling my appointment
  • 03/12 Mon → hung up artwork with velcro ○ Deb brought a new "open" sign ○ Catholic journaling Bible arrived in the mail today
  • 03/11 Sun → Daylight Savings Time ○ Mitsuwa with Cassie, Marietoni and Eric
  • 03/10 Sat → PokemonGO EX Raid invitation! Water Tower @ 4:30pm
  • 03/09 Fri → "never a dull moment" ○ we sell tamales now, apparently??
  • 03/08 Thu → SICK DAY ○ doctor's appointment at 12:45pm ○ watched 3 hours of Survivor
  • 03/07 Wed → learned how to prep soup ○ the coffee shop wifi went out? SiriusXFM couldn't load ○ fell asleep at the dinner table
  • 03/06 Tue → we have creamer now, yyay
  • 03/05 Mon → opening day at the coffee shop! lots of Day 1 blunders ○ Brandi didn't show up on her first day??
  • 03/04 Sun → spent the morning/afternoon researching Bible study pens ○ coffee shop meeting, I thought it was sorta pointless, since it impeded on my awards show watch-party (with me, myself and I) ○ Academy Awards at 7pm
  • 03/03 Sat → stumbled upon PokemonGO raiding with DTC, the Chicago PoGO Discord community ○ visited the Shops at North Bridge
  • 03/02 Fri → doctor's appointment at 2:30pm
  • 03/01 Thu → visited Heritage Bicycles (ordered a Lavender latte) ○ soft opening at the coffee shop in the evening
aug 2 2018 ∞
sep 8 2018 +