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 microblogging at its finest  ✧

lisa SONGS
a ~ travel (current daydreams)
shug avery twenty 20 five. (five things.)

write five things • people's names, places, emotions, film titles, song titles, bands... anything that sums up your day • do this each day on listography • copy and paste this so others know what this list is about

inspiration: i., ii., iii.

my ongoing, 16ish month archive

unfinished11/24 Sat → • decorated the Christmas tree, all by myself • National Dog Show rerun (from Thursday) & SNL rerun (from 2017) with Chance the Rapper and Eminem

unfinished11/23 Fri → • got a new phone • for the first time in a long time, I'm feeling overwhelmed from new technology • Supermarket Sweep, in which a contestant ended the game with a grand total of $7 at the checkout

11/22 Thu → Fr. John roasted "west coast liberal colleges" during his greeting, but the joke's on him bc most liberals stray away from organized religion • the National Dog Show; so happy the Corgi won best in the herding category • took a nap *before* Thanksgiving dinner • announcement for 4th Live DV in Chatham... *yikes* • watched a twitch livestream of old school Pokemon episodes

11/21 Wed → Ma bought a real Christmas tree? without any influence from me?? it's a dream come true • made myself a grilled chicken sandwich for breakfast • saw Landon outside the downtown campus! and Emdres! and Key! anxiety always gets the best of meee • Joel saying, "these birds, they be tweetin'" and inadvertently referencing the Wreck-It-Ralph sequel (six years and a day later, amazing) • the power button on my phone isn't working? if not for the double tap feature, I wouldn't be able to wake up my phone from sleep

unfinished11/20 Tue → decorated the gift shop Christmas tree • the woman who bought $240 worth of clothes, and I gift wrapped... every individual item... • Italian beef

unfinished11/19 Mon → varnishing the bookshelf; I... probably should've done that outside... • got my Tofu stickers in the mail :)

unfinished11/18 Sun → driving to Walmart, in which I unintentionally cut someone off? how do ppl change lanes? • priming the bookshelf, goodbye green and purple-painted shelves

unfinished11/17 Sat → cleaning part 2, "take his advice, Sara" • moments laying on the floor, asking myself "why am I like this"

unfinished11/16 Fri → pros of cleaning my room: finding $50 from a high school graduation card • hauled the trash can over from the kitchen, tossed out items while listening to a variety of podcasts • my only high-reach goal was to tidy up the neso corner, but I'm cleaning off my bookshelf too, ummm ok then • Eric's bashful way of sharing compliments received from other people ("she asked 'can I hire you to redesign my closet?'")

11/15 Thu → the first snow! absolutely gorgeous snowflakes! • took a personality quiz?? yes I have a tendency to procrastinate, but is it irresponsible to neglect admitting those tendencies? • writing, giving myself permission to start Sunday's reading starting on Thursday • Maria's birthday kolackys (as well as daring to ask "when's your birthday?") • felt productive by bedtime

unfinished11/14 Wed → reluctant to do anything this morning/afternoon • me: alrightie Dad, I'm off... hopefully your son will return soon Dad, pleading: "I need somebody to watch me" • saw Elmer! he recognized me, but thought my name was Crystal, ahha • helped Joel build his ikea desk~

11/13 Tue → got a good laugh out of Kyra's stunning html final*, dedicated to convincing the masses to read Golden Kamuy • bus ride westbound, disappointed in myself about how I over thought its complexity • um, 'dogsitter' works just fine "nah, I think 'dog nanny' works better!" • "thanksgiving dinners take eighteen hours to prepare / they are consumed in twelve minute / halftime takes twelve minutes / this is not a coincidence" • responding in a relatively timely manner for the win :clap:

11/12 Mon → inspired by the ikea showroom to clean up my own room, that is, until Cathy asked if Cookie could sleep in my room?? *sweats* I can't let her know how I live • laundry, including sweaters • landscapers blew our neighbor's fallen leaves into our backyard ;v; • found a postcard from Mrs. Novak... I never actually visited her classroom after school • Kara gave Ma a loaf of homemade pumpkin bread, with a handwritten note saying, "this pumpkin bread is for you and your family"

11/11 Sun → spontaneously woke up and watched the (legal!) livestream of Aqours First Live • finally told Fr. Brett how appreciative I am for his homilies, showed him my notes, and he was like "God bless you" ahhhaha awkward • in which former high school counselor Cathy asks me about my current educational status and I just start sobbing • fallen leaves, raking the front yard • grilled hamburgers for dinner, but emotionally tired; staying up at 4am didn't help either, hhah

11/10 Sat → driving under the ongoing construction project en route to the train station • hung out with Eric for this month's PoGO community day • the first freeze of the season, glad we took a break to warm up at Panera • I liked Bohemian Rhapsody more than expected ("HMMMM it's almost like you like those types of movies") and realized how many Queen songs were relevant in my life • soup, BOTTOMLESS soup feat. paper straws discourse

11/09 Fri → Dad's doctor's appointment was cancelled and he was in a grumpy mood all morning • Eric brought over Toothless, compressed in three trash bags, before he goes off to his new home • doctor's appointment, Shrek was playing in the waiting room • ikea with Joel; "If you don't eat Swedish meatballs in the food court, can you really say you've been to ikea?" • cinnamon buns and tea (also, with water to drink)

11/08 Thu → Dad only agreed to Ma about dogsitting because Bro thought it was a good idea, sighh • played LLSIF for an extensive period of time, listening to podcasts in the background • (finally) called Cathy this evening • second day in which I broke my PoGO streak, welppp • skirt steak beef on the grill, I still don't know what I'm doingn

11/07 Wed → still mildly upset how Eric didn't vote • Dad is "adamant" about a potential dogsitting gig • had to explain the difference between Berserkalot and Saber Lancelot and I feel like I just spoiled the entire Fate series to the FGOnlines • Joel invited me to go with him to ikea on Friday~ • I feel stupid for flossing, but I feel even more stupid for NOT flossing for so long

11/06 Tue → election day! the primaries were more exciting, imo • the cheery parking lot bus driver, saying "you can't have an opinion if you don't vote" • making the the most of the early afternoon downtown with Bro pre-PoGO EX raid (that is, running around the loop) • Dad broke his glasses, and got really upset with himself, crying over the phone • Cathy asked if I could take care of her dog over the winter holiday?? maybe???

11/05 Mon → waking up earlier? it's certainly not a bad thing • catching up on notes in my non-secular notebook... I think that's what I'm gonna call it? • any day spent not playing mobile games all day is a good day in my book • I wanna get back on social media, but I don't wanna spend all my time on social media • made myself a grilled cheese with the leftover roast beef, cheese and panini bread from yesterday's dinner

11/04 Sun → feeling nostalgic about last year's adventures at Youmacon • discovering The Media Nuns on social media • Ma and Dad (after seeing a Star is Born ) in unison: "A dog should look like a dog! Not a stuffed animal!" • rainy weather means weather-boosted Pinsirs, apparently? tagged along with Bro for a neighborhood drive • where did the idea for grilled cheese and beef sandwiches come from? when Bro and I went to the Taste of Chicago

11/03 Sat → Ma & Dad took down the kitchen air conditioner and covered mine from the outside • I feel so bad for next-door Carmen, words fail to describe this type of sadness • when one nun exclaimed to the other "Sara found us on the internet," in that moment, I felt like a visitor from a dystopian future • Eric, continuing to work on making a Toothless plushie • see Eric, it's raining for people with glasses, and then he replied, "it's raining for people without glasses, too"

11/02 Fri → explaining the concept of inertia using a crushed red pepper shaker • Ma would give up an arm if it meant for me to be happy • I'm not much for the autumn season, but the trees are absolutely beautiful in color, it's breathtaking • hot honeydew milk tea (without bubble) • finally bought Tombow markers, my descent into stationary hell is finally manifesting

11/01 Thu → "I'm feeling overwhelmed" I wrote, then read Eric's reply* • looked into the history behind the day of solemnity... Happy All Saints Day! • "see, I wouldn't be too hard on myself [for losing an office Halloween contest], they obviously don't get the reference" :Yohehne: • Eric and Jacob are neighbors now and I think that's so cool! • upset during/after dinner

nov 1 2018 ∞
feb 5 2019 +