it's hard to do, but that means it's working
- How to do a FOREARM STAND for beginners ▸ ※ (Sara Ticha)
- actually for beginners forlikethefirstsevenminutes
- WALKTHROUGH with how long to hold each position, good for warming up
- Forearm Stand | Odette Yoga ▸ ※
- personally, I enjoy watching her explanations, pausing it at times, sorta hard to follow along
- Building Strength for Handstand | Odette Yoga ▸ ※
- for later; work on forearm plank as a fundamental to a handstand
- Handstand - How to Use the Wall to Learn ▸ ※
- super advanced, work up to this one
oct 5 2018 ∞
oct 10 2018 +