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 microblogging at its finest  ✧

lisa FILM
a ~ travel (current daydreams)
shug avery tv & movie. (already in my vhs collection.)
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this was created to avoid including political/ drumpf-related content on my 5 things lists

not a news expert or anything; just a highly distressed U.S. citizen, scrolling through her Facebook feed, jotting down one thing at a time

reliable sources of news.jpg

  • 08/09 Wed — Inflatable chicken resembling Trump placed near White House
  • 06/08 Thu — “Lordy, I hope there are tapes” -James Comey, 2017
  • 05/31 Wed — COVFEFE
  • 05/23 Tue — "it was a great honor to be here with all my friends" boi... this isn't a yearbook signature...
  • 05/22 Mon — the orb (of darkness) becomes a meme
    • officially revamping this list, refocusing on the most facepalming events
  • 04/29 Satday 100
  • 04/22 Sat — the March for Science takes place across the country
  • 04/15 Sat — tax day rallies occur in major US cities, even though "the election is over"
  • 04/13 Thu — MOAB is deployed on Syria
  • 04/11 Mon — Gorsuch is sworn in as a justice of the Supreme Court
  • 04/06 Thu — the nuclear option is enacted to nominate the supreme court nominee (democracy is dying)
  • 04/06 Thu — air force strike against Syria
  • 03/24 Fri — Republicans withdraw the health care bill
  • 03/23 Thu — "President Trump toots the horn of a semi truck on the lawn of the White House, living every child's road trip dreams."
  • 03/17 Fri — didn't shake hands with the German Chancellor in front of the camera
    • mom: who'd want to shake his tiny hands?
    • bro: you don't know what they've grabbed
  • 03/16 Thu — proposed a national budget that cuts funding for education, human services, public broadcasting, etc
  • 03/15 Wed — a federal judge blocked the travel ban , has drumpf never heard of checks and balances?
  • 03/14 Tue — MSNBC leaked his 2005 tax returns
  • 03/04 Sat — tweeted that "Obama wiretapped the Trump Tower" a claim to distract from Russian involvement in the election, tbh
  • 03/03 Fri — Pence used a private email server as Indiana's governor
  • 02/28 Tue — the presidential address to congress. many women wore white in honor of the suffragettes
  • 02/28 Tue — KaC: "I didn’t mean to have my feet on the couch"
  • 02/26 Sun — "remember when the Oscars were racist?" #Merylsayshi
  • 02/19 Sun — cited a (fake) attack in Sweden
  • 02/16 Thu — time for a press conference still going on about not winning the popular vote
  • 02/13 Mon — Flynn (national security adviser) resigned from his position
  • 02/08 Wed — lashed out at Nordstrom via twitter
  • 02/08 Wed — Senator Elizabeth Warren silenced by republicans after reading a letter by Coretta Scott King — "She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted."
  • 02/04 Sat — MELISSA MCCARTHY PLAYED SPICY ON SNL he's got a new nickname now~
  • 02/03 Fri — a judge halts drumpf's immigration ban
  • 02/03 Fri — national prayer breakfast opening remarks.jpg
  • 02/02 Thu — in a national interview, KaC reports of a Bowling Green Massacre , but all is well
  • 02/02 Thu — Gorsuch's high school yearbook surfaces, founding the "fascism forever club"
  • 02/02 Thu — instead of discussing religion at the National Prayer Breakfast, drumpf discussed low ratings on The Apprentice
  • 02/02 Thu — threatened to remove federal funding for UCBerkley after the Milo protests
  • 02/01 Wed — refugees from Australia are "illegal" and won't be welcomed to the U.S. he's practically asking for a war with old alliances
  • 02/01 Wed — apparently, Frederick Douglass is doing an amazing job and is being recognized more and more
  • 02/01 Wed — told senate majority leader to "go nuclear" if the SCOTUS nominee is filibustered
  • 01/31 Tue — Gorsuch* is appointed as the SCOTUS nominee at, like, a press conference...
  • 01/31 Tue — DeVos is (somehow) approved for secretary of education by a vote of 12-11
  • 01/30 Mon — apparently Emmanuel was at the O'Hare protest on Sunday evening...
  • 01/29 Sun — protests at airports continue
  • 01/28 Sat — immediate "no ban, no wall" protests occurred at airports nation wide
  • 01/28 Sat — issued an immigration ban on countries that just-so-happen to have a Muslim-majority population
  • 01/27 Fri — pencipoo spoke at the "pro-life" (anti-abortion) rally in Washington D.C.
  • 01/26 Thu — atomic physicists set the hands of the doomsday clock to 2.5 minutes to midnight
  • 01/25 Wed — threatened to stop the "carnage" in Chicago
  • 01/25 Wed — restricting funds to sanctuary cities
  • 01/25 Wed — Spicer's one-way Dippin Dots feud surfaces
  • 01/25 Wed — Greenpeace hangs a banner in front of the white house
  • 01/24 Tue — the Keystone and Dakota Access pipelines are green-lit
  • 01/24 Tue — gag orders for EPA and USDA scientists
  • 01/22 Sun — KaC: Spicer gave "alternative facts"
  • 01/21 Sat — Women's March~
  • 01/20 Fri — fewer crowds gathered at this inauguration
  • 01/20 Fri — 27 words first spoken for the first time at any inauguration and how they differ from the addresses of prior presidents
jan 24 2017 ∞
aug 9 2017 +