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— inspired by and shamelessly stolen from rose —via alpenglow
☰【 AGENDA 】→ events
☰【 AGENDA 】→ goals
☰【 AGENDA 】→ new lists
✔ 【 WHAT I'M 】→ listening to || discoveries and music played on repeat
✔ 【 WHAT I'M 】→ playing || mobile games, mostly
✔ 【 WHAT I'M 】→ reading || for goodness' sakes, read more, plz
✔ 【 WHAT I'M 】→ watching
【 DULY NOTED 】→ current events || signs of the times
【 DULY NOTED 】→ memes || notable online phenomena
【 DULY NOTED 】→ quotes || quote-worthy “stuff”
❣ 【 PERSONAL 】→ discoveries || new things learned about myself and others
❣ 【 PERSONAL 】→ occurrences || a designated space for "well, *that* happened"
❣ 【 PERSONAL 】→ obsessions || mostly food, sometimes people