Copied off Diane :)
- physical and chemical principles
- ✔ inorganic chemistry
- ✔ organic chemistry
- ✔ analytical chemistry
- ✔ physical chemistry
- ✔ biochemistry
- general engineering
- ✔ algebra
- ✔ differential and integral calculus
- ✔ trigonometry & geometry
- ✔ analytic geometry
- ✔ statistics
- ✔ engineering economy
- ✔ physics
- ✔ mechanics & dynamics
- ✔ strength of materials
- chemical engineering laws and ethics
- chemical engineering
- thermodynamics
- ✔ flow of fluids
- heat transfer
- mass transfer
- equilibrium operations
- unit operations
- chemical process industries
- chemical engineering calculations
- environmental eng'g
- process control
aug 19 2008 ∞
sep 17 2010 +