• you got paint on your knuckles from touching a still-drying desk,and it's brown and there are marks where your skin lifted the paint from the wood. and ohmygod is dad going to yell and sprout veins from his neck when he sees the damage.
  • you should really not stop at red lights in the middle of the crosswalk
  • or drive really slowly by bicyclists (even though i know it's terrifying to think that you could hit them if you went over 10mph, it embarrasses everyone in the car)
  • today, like all days, you blushed in public. this time: a bookstore. with the twenty dollar bill, the only money you keep in your wallet, along with your driver's permit and student i.d., you got "Bluebeard". I hope it does something for you.
  • (also i'm super proud that you did all that math earlier)
may 29 2015 ∞
jun 1 2015 +