about me (ongoing list of inspirations)
oct 16 2018
wishlist (Makeup )
may 14 2015
films (films i need to see)
apr 8 2015
pets (pet names I like)
apr 6 2015
films (ones I like)
feb 24 2015
films (studio ghibli)
feb 21 2015
wishlist (new things to get for my bedroom)
jan 24 2015
educational (Universities I want to apply to)
jan 24 2015
people (names I like )
jan 24 2015
art (Art I have done this year)
jan 23 2015
products (favorite makeup products i recommend )
jan 23 2015
jan 23 2015
educational (Current projects)
jan 23 2015
about me (super powers that'd be nice to have)
jan 23 2015
television (Shows I like)
jan 21 2015