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(2024 DVD Talk TV Challenge List)
Doctor Who: The Movie (Doctor Who) (1996)
(YOUTUBE) - 1/02
Doctor Who:
Season 1: Episode 1 - Rose (2005) (MAX) - 1/02
Doctor Who:
Season 1: Episode 2 - The End of the World (2005) (MAX) - 1/02
Doctor Who:
Season 1: Episode 3 - The Unquiet Dead (2005) (MAX) - 1/03
Doctor Who:
Season 1: Episode 4 - Aliens of London (2005) (MAX) - 1/03
The Curious Case of Natalia Grace:
Season 1: Episode 1: Meet the Barnetts (2023) (MAX) - 1/04
The Curious Case of Natalia Grace:
Season 1: Episode 2: Orphan or Imposter? (2023) (MAX) - 1/04
The Curious Case of Natalia Grace:
Season 1: Episode 3: Nightmare Neighbor (2023) (MAX) - 1/04
The Curious Case of Natalia Grace:
Season 1: Episode 4: Victim or Villain? (2023) (MAX) - 1/04
The Curious Case of Natalia Grace:
Season 1: Episode 5: Barnett vs. Barnett (2023) (MAX) - 1/04
The Curious Case of Natalia Grace:
Season 1: Episode 6: Punch or Be Punched (2023)
(season finale)
(MAX) - 1/04
Doctor Who:
Season 1: Episode 5 - World War Three (2005) (MAX) - 1/04
Doctor Who:
Season 1: Episode 6 - Dalek (2005) (MAX) - 1/04
Doctor Who:
Season 1: Episode 7 - The Long Game (2005) (MAX) - 1/04
Doctor Who:
Season 1: Episode 8 - Father's Day (2005) (MAX) - 1/04
The Curious Case of Natalia Grace: The Road to Natalia Speaks (2024)
(ID) - 1/05
The Curious Case of Natalia Grace:
Season 2: Episode 1: Age, Rage & the Big Lie (2024) (MAX) - 1/05
The Curious Case of Natalia Grace:
Season 2: Episode 2: For the Love of Money (2024) (MAX) - 1/05
Doctor Who:
Season 1: Episode 9: The Empty Child (2005) (MAX) - 1/05
Doctor Who:
Season 1: Episode 10: The Doctor Dances (2005) (MAX) - 1/05
Doctor Who:
Season 1: Episode 11: Boom Town (2005) (MAX) - 1/05
Doctor Who:
Season 1: Episode 12: Bad Wolf (2005) (MAX) - 1/06
Doctor Who:
Season 1: Episode 13: The Parting of the Ways (2005)
(season finale)
(MAX) - 1/06
Doctor Who:
Children in Need Special (2005) (YOUTUBE) - 1/06
Doctor Who:
The Christmas Invasion (2005) (MAX) - 1/06
Doctor Who:
Tardisodes: Prelude to New Earth (2006) (YOUTUBE) - 1/06
Doctor Who:
Season 2: Episode 1: New Earth (2006) (MAX) - 1/06
Doctor Who:
Tardisodes: Prelude to Tooth and Claw (2006) (YOUTUBE) - 1/07
Doctor Who:
Season 2: Episode 2: Tooth and Claw (2006) (MAX) - 1/07
Doctor Who:
Tardisodes: Prelude to School Reunion (2006) (YOUTUBE) - 1/07
Doctor Who:
Season 2: Episode 3: School Reunion (2006) (MAX) - 1/07
Doctor Who:
Tardisodes: Prelude to the Girl in the Fireplace (2006) (YOUTUBE) - 1/07
Doctor Who:
Season 2: Episode 4: The Girl in the Fireplace (2006) (MAX) - 1/07
Doctor Who:
Tardisodes: Prelude to Rise of the Cybermen (2006) (YOUTUBE) - 1/07
Doctor Who:
Season 2: Episode 5: Rise of the Cybermen (2006) (MAX) - 1/07
Doctor Who:
Tardisodes: Prelude to the Age of Steel (2006) (YOUTUBE) - 1/07
Doctor Who:
Season 2: Episode 6: The Age of Steel (2006) (MAX) - 1/07
Doctor Who:
Tardisodes: Prelude to the Idiot's Lantern (2006) (YOUTUBE) - 1/07
Doctor Who:
Season 2: Episode 7: The Idiot's Lantern (2006) (MAX) - 1/07
Doctor Who:
Tardisodes: Prelude to the Impossible Planet (2006) (YOUTUBE) - 1/07
Doctor Who:
Season 2: Episode 8: The Impossible Planet (2006) (MAX) - 1/07
Doctor Who:
Tardisodes: Prelude to the Satan Pit (2006) (YOUTUBE) - 1/07
Doctor Who:
Season 2: Episode 9: The Satan Pit (2006) (MAX) - 1/07
Doctor Who:
Tardisodes: Prelude to Love & Monsters (2006) (YOUTUBE) - 1/07
Doctor Who:
Season 2: Episode 10: Love & Monsters (2006) (MAX) - 1/07
Doctor Who:
The Genuine Article (2021) (YOUTUBE) - 1/07
Doctor Who:
Tardisodes: Prelude to Fear Her (2006) (YOUTUBE) - 1/07
Doctor Who:
Season 2: Episode 11: Fear Her (2006) (MAX) - 1/07
The Curious Case of Natalia Grace:
Season 2: Episode 3: By Any Means Necessary (2024) (MAX) - 1/08
The Curious Case of Natalia Grace:
Season 2: Episode 4 - House of Horrors (2024) (MAX) - 1/08
The Curious Case of Natalia Grace:
Season 2: Episode 5 - Trauma Bond (2024) (MAX) - 1/08
The Curious Case of Natalia Grace:
Season 2: Episode 6 - One Door Closes (2024)
(season finale)
(MAX) - 1/08
The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard:
Episode 1: Born a Prisoner (2024) (LIFETIME) - 1/09
The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard:
Episode 2: On the Run (2024) (LIFETIME) - 1/09
The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard:
Episode 3: I Pulled the Trigger (2024) (LIFETIME) - 1/09
The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard:
Episode 4: Only Way Out (2024) (LIFETIME) - 1/09
The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard:
Episode 5: Secret Engagement (2024) (LIFETIME) - 1/09
The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard:
Episode 6: I Do. Or Do I? (2024)
(series finale)
(LIFETIME) - 1/09
Doctor Who:
Tardisodes: Prelude to Army of Ghosts (2006) (YOUTUBE) - 1/09
Doctor Who:
Season 2: Episode 12: Army of Ghosts (2006) (MAX) - 1/09
Doctor Who:
Tardisodes: Prelude to Doomsday (2006)
(YOUTUBE) - 1/09
Doctor Who:
Season 2: Episode 13: Doomsday (2006)
(season finale)
(MAX) - 1/09
Doctor Who:
The Runaway Bride (2006) (MAX) - 1/12
Doctor Who:
Season 3: Episode 1: Smith and Jones (2007) (MAX) - 1/12
Doctor Who:
Season 3: Episode 2: The Shakespeare Code (2007) (MAX) - 1/12
Doctor Who:
Season 3: Episode 3: Gridlock (2007) (MAX) - 1/12
Doctor Who:
Season 3: Episode 4: Daleks in Manhattan (2007) (MAX) - 1/12
Doctor Who:
Season 3: Episode 5: Evolution of the Daleks (2007) (MAX) - 1/12
Doctor Who:
Season 3: Episode 6: The Lazarus Experiment (2007) (MAX) - 1/13
Doctor Who:
Season 3: Episode 7: 42 (2007) (MAX) - 1/13
Doctor Who:
Season 3: Episode 8: Human Nature (2007) (MAX) - 1/13
Doctor Who:
Season 3: Episode 9: The Family of Blood (2007) (MAX) - 1/13
Doctor Who:
Season 3: Episode 10: Blink (2007) (MAX) - 1/13
Doctor Who:
Season 3: Episode 11: Utopia (2007) (MAX) - 1/13
Doctor Who:
Season 3: Episode 12: The Sound of Drums (2007) (MAX) - 1/13
Doctor Who:
Season 3: Episode 13: Last of the Time Lords (2007)
(season finale)
(MAX) - 1/13
Doctor Who:
The Infinite Quest (2007) (YOUTUBE) - 1/13
Doctor Who:
Time Crash (2005) (YOUTUBE) - 1/13
Doctor Who:
Voyage of the Damned (2007) (MAX) - 1/13
Doctor Who:
Season 4: Episode 1: Partners in Crime (2008) (MAX) - 1/14
Doctor Who:
Season 4: Episode 2: The Fires of Pompeii (2008) (MAX) - 1/14
Doctor Who:
Season 4: Episode 3: Planet of the Ood (2008) (MAX) - 1/14
Doctor Who:
Season 4: Episode 4: The Sontaran Stratagem (2008) (MAX) - 1/14
Doctor Who:
Season 4: Episode 5: The Poison Sky (2008) (MAX) - 1/14
Doctor Who:
Season 4: Episode 6: The Doctor's Daughter (2008) (MAX) - 1/16
Doctor Who:
Season 4: Episode 7: The Unicorn and the Wasp (2008) (MAX) - 1/16
Doctor Who:
Season 4: Episode 8: Silence in the Library (2008) (MAX) - 1/16
Doctor Who:
Season 4: Episode 9: Forest of the Dead (2008) (MAX) - 1/16
Doctor Who:
Season 4: Episode 10: Midnight (2008) (MAX) - 1/18
Doctor Who:
Season 4: Episode 11: Turn Left (2008) (MAX) - 1/18
Doctor Who:
Season 4: Episode 12: The Stolen Earth (2008) (MAX) - 1/18
Doctor Who:
Season 4: Episode 13: Journey's End (2008)
(season finale)
(MAX) - 1/20
Doctor Who:
Music of the Spheres (2008) (YOUTUBE) - 1/20
Doctor Who:
The Next Doctor (2008) (MAX) - 1/20
Doctor Who:
Planet of the Dead (2009) (MAX) - 1/20
Doctor Who:
The Waters of Mars (2009) (MAX) - 1/20
Doctor Who:
The Doctor and the Reindeer (2009) (YOUTUBE) - 1/20
Doctor Who:
A Ghost Story for Christmas (2009) (YOUTUBE) - 1/20
Doctor Who:
The End of Time, Part One (2009) (MAX) - 1/20
Doctor Who:
The End of Time, Part Two (2010) (MAX) - 1/20
Doctor Who:
Season 5: Episode 1: The Eleventh Hour (2010) (MAX) - 1/20
Doctor Who:
Season 5: Episode 2: The Beast Below (2010) (MAX) - 1/20
Doctor Who:
Season 5: Episode 3: Victory of the Daleks (2010) (MAX) - 1/20
Doctor Who:
Season 5: Episode 4: The Time of Angels (2010) (MAX) - 1/20
Doctor Who:
Season 5: Episode 5: Flesh and Stone (2010) (MAX) - 1/21
Doctor Who:
Season 5: Episode 6: The Vampires of Venice (2010) (MAX) - 1/21
Doctor Who:
Season 5: Episode 7: Amy's Choice (2010) (MAX) - 1/21
Doctor Who:
Season 5: Episode 8: The Hungry Earth (2010) (MAX) - 1/21
Doctor Who:
Season 5: Episode 9: Cold Blood (2010) (MAX) - 1/21
Doctor Who:
Season 5: Episode 10: Vincent and the Doctor (2010) (MAX) - 1/21
Doctor Who:
Season 5: Episode 11: The Lodger (2010) (MAX) - 1/21
Doctor Who:
Season 5: Episode 12: The Pandorica Opens (2010) (MAX) - 1/21
Doctor Who:
Season 5: Episode 13: The Big Bang (2010)
(season finale)
(MAX) - 1/21
Doctor Who:
Meanwhile, in the TARDIS: Part 1 (2010) (YOUTUBE) - 1/21
Doctor Who:
Meanwhile, in the TARDIS: Part 2 (2010) (YOUTUBE) - 1/21
Doctor Who:
A Christmas Carol (2010) (MAX) - 1/21
Doctor Who:
Dermot and the Doctor (2011) (YOUTUBE) - 1/21
Doctor Who:
Space (2011) (YOUTUBE) - 1/21
Doctor Who:
Time (2011) (YOUTUBE) - 1/21
Doctor Who:
Prequel to the Impossible Astronaut (2011) (YOUTUBE) - 1/21
Doctor Who:
Season 6: Episode 1: The Impossible Astronaut (2011) (MAX) - 1/21
Doctor Who:
Season 6: Episode 2: Day of the Moon (2011) (MAX) - 1/21
Doctor Who:
Prequel to the Curse of the Black Spot (2005) (YOUTUBE) - 1/21
Doctor Who:
Season 6: Episode 3: The Curse of the Black Spot (2011) (MAX) - 1/21
Doctor Who:
Season 6: Episode 4: The Doctor's Wife (2011) (MAX) - 1/22
Doctor Who:
Season 6: Episode 5: The Rebel Flesh (2011) (MAX) - 1/23
Doctor Who:
Season 6: Episode 6: The Almost People (2011) (MAX) - 1/23
Doctor Who:
Prequel to A Good Man Goes to War (2005) (YOUTUBE) - 1/23
Doctor Who:
Season 6: Episode 7: A Good Man Goes to War (2011) (MAX) - 1/23
Doctor Who:
Prequel to Let's Kill Hitler (2005) (YOUTUBE) - 1/23
Doctor Who:
Season 6: Episode 8: Let's Kill Hitler (2011) (MAX) - 1/23
Doctor Who:
Season 6: Episode 9: Night Terrors (2011) (MAX) - 1/23
Doctor Who:
Season 6: Episode 10: The Girl Who Waited (2011) (MAX) - 1/24
Doctor Who:
Season 6: Episode 11: The God Complex (2011) (MAX) - 1/24
MonsterVerse Continuity: Kong: Skull Island (2017)
MonsterVerse Continuity: Godzilla (2014)
MonsterVerse Continuity: Monarch: Legacy of Monsters:
Season 1: Episode 1: Aftermath (2023) (APPLE TV+) - 1/27
MonsterVerse Continuity: Monarch: Legacy of Monsters:
Season 1: Episode 2: Departure (2023) (APPLE TV+) - 1/27
MonsterVerse Continuity: Monarch: Legacy of Monsters:
Season 1: Episode 3: Secrets and Lies (2023) (APPLE TV+) - 1/27
MonsterVerse Continuity: Monarch: Legacy of Monsters:
Season 1: Episode 4: Parallels and Interiors (2023) (APPLE TV+) - 1/27
MonsterVerse Continuity: Monarch: Legacy of Monsters:
Season 1: Episode 5: The Way Out (2023) (APPLE TV+) - 1/27
MonsterVerse Continuity: Monarch: Legacy of Monsters:
Season 1: Episode 6: Terrifying Miracles (2023) (APPLE TV+) - 1/27
MonsterVerse Continuity: Monarch: Legacy of Monsters:
Season 1: Episode 7: Will the Real May Please Stand Up? (2023) (APPLE TV+) - 1/27
MonsterVerse Continuity: Monarch: Legacy of Monsters:
Season 1: Episode 8: Birthright (2023) (APPLE TV+) - 1/28
MonsterVerse Continuity: Monarch: Legacy of Monsters:
Season 1: Episode 9: Axis Mundi (2024) (APPLE TV+) - 1/28
MonsterVerse Continuity: Monarch: Legacy of Monsters:
Season 1: Episode 10: Beyond Logic (2024)
(season finale)
(APPLE TV+) - 1/28
MonsterVerse Continuity: Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
MonsterVerse Continuity: Godzilla vs. Kong (2021)
(MAX) - 1/28
Doctor Who:
Season 6: Episode 12: Closing Time (2011) (MAX) - 1/28
Doctor Who Confidential:
Death Is the Only Answer (2011) (YOUTUBE) - 1/28
Doctor Who:
Prequel to The Wedding of River Song (2011) (YOUTUBE) - 1/28
Doctor Who:
Season 6: Episode 13: The Wedding of River Song (2011)
(season finale)
(MAX) - 1/28
Doctor Who:
The Naked Truth (Children in Need) (2011) (DAILY MOTION) - 1/28
Doctor Who:
Night and the Doctor: Part 1: Bad Night (2011) (YOUTUBE) - 1/28
Doctor Who:
Night and the Doctor: Part 2: Good Night (2011) (YOUTUBE) - 1/28
Doctor Who:
Night and the Doctor: Part 3: First Night (2011) (YOUTUBE) - 1/28
Doctor Who:
Night and the Doctor: Part 4: Last Night (2011) (YOUTUBE) - 1/28
Doctor Who:
Night and the Doctor: Part 5: Up All Night (2011) (YOUTUBE) - 1/28
Doctor Who:
Prequel to the Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe (2005) (YOUTUBE) - 1/28
Doctor Who:
The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe (2011) (MAX) - 1/28
Doctor Who:
Good as Gold (2012) (YOUTUBE) - 1/29
Doctor Who:
Pond Life: Part 1: April (2012) (YOUTUBE) - 1/30
Doctor Who:
Pond Life: Part 2: May (2012) (YOUTUBE) - 1/30
Doctor Who:
Pond Life: Part 3: June (2012) (YOUTUBE) - 1/30
Doctor Who:
Pond Life: Part 4: July (2012) (YOUTUBE) - 1/30
Doctor Who:
Pond Life: Part 5: August (2012) (YOUTUBE) - 1/30
Doctor Who:
Prequel to Asylum of the Daleks (2005) (YOUTUBE) - 1/30
Doctor Who:
Season 7: Episode 1: Asylum of the Daleks (2012) (DAILY MOTION) - 1/30
Doctor Who:
Season 7: Episode 2: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship (2012) (MAX) - 1/30
Doctor Who:
The Making of the Gunslinger (2005) (YOUTUBE) - 1/31
Doctor Who:
Season 7: Episode 3: A Town Called Mercy (2012) (MAX) - 1/31
Doctor Who:
Season 7: Episode 4: The Power of Three (2012) (MAX) - 1/31
Doctor Who:
Season 7: Episode 5: The Angels Take Manhattan (2012) (MAX) - 1/31
dec 25 2023 ∞
feb 12 2024 +