- ozempic aesthetic/talk
- chat gpt/sloppy or misleading use of IA
- hoarding clothes that no longer fit
- cybertrucks
- beyoncé
- ciclists with a superiority complex
- viral internet slang
- religious influencers
- MLM influencers
- "consuming content" = watching, reading
- flying long haul in economy
- people who ask too many questions
- rage baiting
- ticket master
- podcasts
- hermès bags
- fantasy bonkfest literature
- "girl math"
- competitive friends
- misuse of "camp" and "hack"
- lo-fi beats to study and relax to
- friends who never make plans
- reading the comments
- doom scrolling
- finger food
- snacking when out (going out to dinner is fine)
- live for the weekend
- hate following
- black coffee
jan 7 2025 ∞
jan 27 2025 +